Google Street View provides panoramic 360 degree views from designated roads throughout its coverage area. Street View's API coverage is the same as that for the Google Maps application ( ). The list of currently supported cities for Street View is available at the Google Maps website.

Although Street View can be used within a standalone DOM element, it is most useful when indicating a location on a map. By default, Street View is enabled on a map, and a Street View Pegman control appears integrated within the navigation (zoom and pan) controls. You may hide this control within the map's MapOptions by setting streetViewControl to false. You may also change the default position of the Street View control by setting the Map's streetViewControlOptions.position property to a new ControlPosition.

Street View Panorama Download

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The Street View Pegman control allows you to view Street View panoramas directly within the map. When the user clicks and holds the Pegman, the map updates to show blue outlines around Street View-enabled streets, offering a user experience similar to the Google Maps app.

Street View images are supported through use of the StreetViewPanorama object, which provides an API interface to a Street View "viewer." Each map contains a default Street View panorama, which you can retrieve by calling the map's getStreetView() method. When you add a Street View control to the map by setting its streetViewControl option to true, you automatically connect the Pegman control to this default Street View panorama.

You may also create your own StreetViewPanorama object and set the map to use that instead of the default, by setting the map's streetView property explicitly to that constructed object. You may wish to override the default panorama if you want to modify default behavior, such as the automatic sharing of overlays between the map and the panorama. (See Overlays within Street View below.)

The StreetViewPanorama constructor also allows you to set the Street View location and point of view using the StreetViewOptions parameter. You may call setPosition() and setPov() on the object after construction to change its location and POV.

On devices that support device orientation events, the API offers users the ability to change the Street View point of view based on the movement of the device. Users can look around by moving their devices. This is called motion tracking or device rotation tracking.

As app developer, you can change the default behavior as follows: Enable or disable the motion tracking functionality. By default, motion tracking is enabled on any device that supports it. The following sample disables motion tracking, but leaves the motion tracking control visible. (Note that the user can turn on motion tracking by tapping the control.)var panorama = new google.maps.StreetViewPanorama( document.getElementById('pano'), { position: {lat: 37.869260, lng: -122.254811}, pov: {heading: 165, pitch: 0}, motionTracking: false });   Hide or show the motion tracking control. By default, the control is shown on devices that support motion tracking. The user can tap the control to turn motion tracking on or off. Note that the control will never appear if the device doesn't support motion tracking, regardless of the value of motionTrackingControl.

The default StreetViewPanorama object supports the native display of map overlays. Overlays generally appear at "street level" anchored at LatLng positions. (Markers will appear with their tails anchored to the location's horizontal plane within the Street View panorama for example.)

Currently, the types of overlays which are supported on Street View panoramas are limited to Markers, InfoWindows and custom OverlayViews. Overlays which you display on a map may be displayed on a Street View panorama by treating the panorama as a substitute for the Map object, calling setMap() and passing the StreetViewPanorama as an argument instead of a map. Info windows similarly may be opened within a Street View panorama by calling open(), passing the StreetViewPanorama() instead of a map.

Additionally, when creating a map with a default StreetViewPanorama, any markers created on a map are shared automatically with the map's associated Street View panorama, provided that panorama is visible. To retrieve the default Street View panorama, call getStreetView() on the Map object. Note that if you explicitly set the map's streetView property to a StreetViewPanorama of your own construction, you will override the default panorama.

When displaying a StreetViewPanorama, a variety of controls appear on the panorama by default. You can enable or disable these controls by setting their appropriate fields within the StreetViewPanoramaOptions to true or false:

You may wish to programmatically determine the availability of Street View data, or return information about particular panoramas, without requiring direct manipulation of a map/panorama. You may do so using the StreetViewService object, which provides an interface to the data stored in Google's Street View service.

A request using StreetViewPanoRequest returns panoramadata given a reference ID which uniquely identifies the panorama. Note thatthese reference IDs are only stable for the lifetime of the imagery of thatpanorama.

The function getPanorama() needs a callback function to execute upon retrieval of a result from the Street View service. This callback function returns a set of panorama data within a StreetViewPanoramaData object and a StreetViewStatus code denoting the status of the request, in that order.

The Maps JavaScript API supports the display of custom panoramas within the StreetViewPanorama object. Using custom panoramas, you can display the interior of buildings, views from scenic locations, or anything from your imagination. You can even link these custom panoramas to Google's existing Street View panoramas.

Each Street View panorama is an image or set of images that provides a full 360 degree view from a single location. The StreetViewPanorama object uses images that conform to the equirectangular (Plate Carre) projection. Such a projection contains 360 degrees of horizontal view (a full wrap-around) and 180 degrees of vertical view (from straight up to straight down). These fields of view result in an image with an aspect ratio of 2:1. A full wrap-around panorama is shown below.

Panorama images are generally obtained by taking multiple photos from one position and stitching them together using panorama software. (See Wikipedia's Comparison of photo stitching applications for more information.) Such images should share a single "camera" locus, from which each of the panorama images are taken. The resulting 360 degree panorama can then define a projection on a sphere with the image wrapped to the two-dimensional surface of the sphere.

Treating the panorama as a projection on a sphere with a rectilinear coordinate system is advantageous when dividing up the image into rectilinear tiles, and serving images based on computed tile coordinates.

Street View also supports different levels of image detail through the use of a zoom control, which allows you to zoom in and out from the default view. Generally, Street View provides five levels of zoom resolution for any given panorama image. If you were to rely on a single panorama image to serve all zoom levels, such an image would either necessarily be quite large and significantly slow down your application, or be of such poor resolution at higher zoom levels that you would serve a poorly pixellated image. Luckily, however, we can use a similar design pattern used to serve Google's map tiles at different zoom levels to provide appropriate resolution imagery for panoramas at each zoom level.

When a StreetViewPanorama first loads, by default it displays an image consisting of 25% (90 degrees of arc) of the horizontal breadth of the panorama at zoom level 1. This view corresponds roughly with a normal human field of view. Zooming "out" from this default view essentially provides a wider arc, while zooming in narrows the field of a view to a smaller arc. The StreetViewPanorama automatically calculates the appropriate field of view for the selected zoom level, and then selects imagery most appropriate for that resolution by selecting a tile set that roughly matches the dimensions of the horizontal field of view. The following fields of view map to Street View zoom levels:

Note that the size of the image shown within Street View is entirely dependent on the screen size (width) of the Street View container. If you provide a wider container, the service will still provide the same field of view for any given zoom level, though it may select tiles more appropriate for that resolution instead.

Because each panorama consists of an equirectangular projection, creating panorama tiles is relatively easy. As the projection provides an image with an aspect ratio of 2:1, tiles with 2:1 ratios are easier to use, though square tiles may provide better performance on square maps (since the field of view will be square).

For 2:1 tiles, a single image encompassing the entire panorama represents the entire panorama "world" (the base image) at zoom level 0, with each increasing zoom level offering 4zoomLevel tiles. (E.g. at zoom level 2, the entire panorama consists of 16 tiles.) Note: zoom levels in Street View tiling do not match directly to zoom levels as provided using the Street View control; instead the Street View control zoom levels select a Field of View (FoV), from which appropriate tiles are selected.

To use a custom panorama, call StreetViewPanorama.registerPanoProvider(), specifying the name of your custom panorama provider method. The panorama provider method must return a StreetViewPanoramaData object, and has the following signature:

The custom panorama provider returns the appropriate tile given the passed panorama ID, zoom level, and panorama tile coordinates. Since image selection depends on these passed values, it is useful to name images that can be selected programmatically given those passed values, such as pano_zoom_tileX_tileY.png. 2351a5e196

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