Street Racer

We has a comprehensive privacy policy for our company and for our users. Please Read it Before Playing Our Games.

This is our privacy policy for our users and company. Every user will be agree to our privacy policy. We collect some sort of information of user and this information isn't shared to anyone publicly. We collect information for our analytics. Other Information collect are below.  

Information we collect automatically through a process:

We has a comprehensive privacy policy for the sake of company and for our users also. Installation of our game may require approval of some sort of permissions from user for games like Wi-Fi, your unique device id and/or some other permission if required.

Purpose of this auto information is to provide best services and continuous improved products to our users by making the quality products.

Our social Media:

We have our social media pages Facebook, Gmail pages which are also available in our games menus. You can visit us follow us and can give us positive reviews, by which we can serve our users in an improved way.

Other important Links and Advertisements:

We provide you our new features and/or other games in menus using our Street Racer ads for cross promotion. You can enjoy our new and/or other games as well.

We use other ads services in our games like admob, unity ads, chartboost etc.

Non-Personal Information like gender and age may be used to make sure that appropriate advertising is offered to you and deliver ads that best belongs to your interests.

Rights and Reserves:

Our Company has all rights and reserves to modify, edit or change its privacy policy.

By reading this privacy policy and participating to Street Racer you accept all above mention terms. If you have any question please contact us at