
I started to try the streamlit cloud thing a few month back and it seemed to work then with my github login. Now I came back to it and if I click on login with github it takes me to a Sign in - Google Accounts page. Can someone tell me what is going on here??? Tried it with all my browsers btw.

Instead how I managed to login to my existing streamlit account was by clicking on sign in via email and using the email address I use with github. This worked. However after login in addition I needed to go to settings/source control and connect to github to finally see my existing streamlit cloud apps.

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I agree with you about the problem with error 403, the problem may be with Streamlit, because I have not been able to get st.cache to work locally, or also with the Fastai load_learner function, or with both functions. I say this, or at least I intuit that it is because when I try to load an image for the model to evaluate, streamlit reloads the pkl again, and I think this is where the conflict can arise that causes the error to occur with binder, I repeat this is my intuition, and it is another thing that I must keep analyzing.

I do note that GitHub - giswqs/streamlit-multipage-template: A streamlit multipage app template for geospatial applications had been worked on; however, even though there is a launch binder badge featured prominently, I cannot be sure it was tested four months ago.

I made a Python 3.8 code environment in dataiku that mimics the code environement I sue to run my streamlit app on my PC. However, the Streamlit app on dataiku seems to use a hard-coded code environment. Is there any way to configure this by the project owner?

I finally was able to successfully run it on streamlit and train a different model with an extra image transformation step so streamlit can easily hash the file, essentially this is the step that I changed:

If the Streamlit object identifier is not fully-qualified (in the form ofdb_name.schema_name.streamlit_name or schema_name.streamlit_name), the command looks forthe Streamlit object in the current schema for the session.

Hi,I have stood up a simple streamlit server on a single VM instance and I can correctly access it via myip:8501. I now want to set things up so traffic to myip:80 and myip:443 is handled by myip:8501. This seems like it should be very simple but I am getting stuck. I see that there is a way to set up a load balancer to forward traffic to VM instance groups, but, I do not want to set up instance groups yet, since traffic will be minimal.

Can someone instruct me how to do this, either using the console or gcloud? This is blocking me from moving forward, so any help will be much appreciated!


Port forwarding is not available in GCP, but I believe you can set up port forwarding inside your server. Since you mentioned you are using a streamlit server, here is their recommendation in this kind of scenario, you can check both of these links[1][2]. I believe they also have community support that you can use to ask this concern.

I have succesfully embedded my speckle commit within streamlit. My question is, when it loads up for the first time, it loads up with the side panel showing, is there a way for the side panel to not show by default within the first view. Additionally, in the tutorial is shows very cleanly on a dark background with not many tools shown- mine shows all tools on a light background- is this just because the viewer has since been updated.

Finally, you can run this file as a Streamlit app to verify the output is working correctly. Run the prompts generation via streamlit run prompts.py. Make sure the table information is showing up as expected in the rendered prompt - this will get passed to the chatbot in the next section.

Each chapter comes with a code sample to get you started. You will find them in the streamlit-custom-slider Github repository. The git branch to pull from is indicated at the beginning of the chapter. 17dc91bb1f

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