Stray's Corner

Hi! This is a little place for most of my FFXIV OCs. My pronouns are she/her or they/them. I am 21+! I tend to go by Fox or Lola, but I'm also very okay being called by whatever name of the character you know me as.

I'm interested in just about any type of roleplay setting and I'm pretty flexible with most of my characters. While I am fine with darker themes and perma-injuries, I do prefer them to be discussed first. I also typically prefer we've had multiple interactions beforehand. 

Like most, I ask for respect and communication! I will always do my best to respect other peoples' boundaries in turn. Do this and we're great. I'm pretty laid back but the moment I sense some red flags or feel like someone is being gross or disrespectful I will back off from interacting with them. I am in no way interested in OOC romance, so please don't be weird.

I can either be super active or nonexistent depending on a multitude of things such as my work, sleep schedule, or my mood. If you're looking for someone who is extremely consistent, I'm probably not the person for you. I also wont tolerate attitude toward me for this as this is meant to be a hobby not my life. 

I can miss some social queues and hints, so if you're wanting to discuss something with me please be straightforward and I will do my best to resolve and talk about whatever is going on!

Discord is usually given out upon request once we've either talked a bit or are mutuals. Feel free to ask me any questions! 

My character art I've commissioned is for my use only.


Lolette Kesslivang

Lissome and graceful, the Keeper’s appearance is almost haunting at first glance. She was small and delicate looking, with pouted lips that often curved upward into a gentle smirk. Paled, grey toned skin with long, white hair in loose curls she was almost seemingly a spirit of the forest rather than a person for how ghostly she appeared. Striking green eyes were often the first thing that grabbed the attention of someone as they were contrasted by dark coal makeup. 

Family: Savo, Talvi, and Rielle
Reli and Rue: Sibling-like bond.
Activity: Semi-active/By Request

Talvi Silva

Chances are this keeper has spotted you long before you have even seen them. Mysterious and quiet, it's a wonder why they have chosen to venture from the cover of the shroud. Almost frightening at first glance, their glowing red eyes stand out against their paled, grey skin. Their svelte, tall frame is buried in long, curled tresses that resemble moonlight. Mysterious markings and tattoos cover their face and chest. Whatever they might mean, they are just as secretive as the miqo'te themselves.

Family: Lolette and Rielle.
Activity: Active/By Request

Reli Zeddicus

Coming off as a rude and mercurial man, Reli seems to be unappealing to be around a majority of the time. He’s sarcastic, blunt, and when he’s trying to cut someone down with words he always aims to hurt. To a stranger, it’s almost impossible to tell why he’s surrounded with such loyal friends and ally but those who take the time to figure it out will quickly understand why.

Family: Cerothyn, Camsyn, Drais, Riley, Rielen, Katlinne, and Finnley. NPCS: Lilia & Lilith
Lola: Sibling-like bond.
Activity: Semi-active/By Request


Cerothyn Zeddicus

Rumor has it there's a captain notorious for his vengeance and cruelty. If one sees the flags of the Kraken off in the distance, they know its captain is better a friend than foe. He'll stop at nothing to get what he wants and do whatever it takes; no matter the cost.

Cero himself is often found gambling his time away while he's in the city on business or during the little downtime he might have between voyages. He enjoys good rum, good company, and good women; he's a simple man. 

Family: Katlinne, Finnley, Camsyn, Drais, Reli, Riley, and Rielen. NPCS: Lilia & Lilith
Activity: Active/By Request

Edith Graves

She doesn't often have company that’s alive, so she’s more than welcoming to those who do choose her for company, especially since she’s highly introverted and a bit of a workaholic. One can likely tell she doesn’t get much sleep due to the dark circles underneath her eyes, easily noticed in contrast to her pale skin. However, she often hides this with a pair of large, antique looking glasses and circular, darkened lenses. When she’s not wearing them, her right eye is revealed to be a bright, striking green. Its partner is milky white and surrounded by rough, ruined skin. Burn scars creep across the left side of her face, trailing down toward her chin. Nonetheless, she can often be seen acknowledging passersby with a shy smile. 

Family: N/A
Activity: Active/By Request

Drais Zeddicus
Aliases: Cin Zoviere & Ghost 

Standing at an imposing height, Drais is anything but friendly at first glance. He is rugged, scarred, and heavily armed-- even if some weapons aren't in line of sight. His armor is worn and torn from battle and his travels. One could easily assume he's a mercenary and they wouldn't be far off.

When he speaks his voice is low and gravelly sounding and words are often shortened. There is an ever present look of disdain on his features.

Quiet and almost brooding, he doesn't really seem like the best company to keep mainly because he doesn't choose to participate in most conversations. When he does talk, he's often blunt or sharp with his words. Few get him to loosen up, those that do are the ones he deems his friends.

Family: Rielen, Cerothyn, Camsyn, Reli, Riley, Katlinne, and Finnley. NPCS: Lilia & Lilith
Activity: Semi-active/By Request

Sage Rivers

Friendly is something Sage tries to be. She desperately clings onto the person she once was, hoping one day if she keeps trying to jam herself into the mold that no longer fits, she'll become it again. However, that mask often slips.

There is something under the surface, just there, and unmistakable whenever it bubbles to the top. She's killed and she'll do it again.

She was never meant to be cold, she was never meant to be strong, she was never meant to fight and claw and bring this self-claimed justice to those she's deemed need it.

She was meant to laugh, cry, fall in love, and take what the world had to offer. But now she survives because it's what she does best. It’s all she knows.

Family:  Camilla Rivers, Dimitri Swan, and Koret Swan.
Activity: Semi-Active/By Request

Katlinne Devereux

Like Kat herself, her features are not soft. Sharp cheekbones angle down to her chin. Her blue eyes are feline-like in shape which are only exaggerated by her makeup. Her hair is a mess of wild golden curls that fall past her shoulders and her accent has the familiar faint lilt of an Ishgardian, she seems to try to hide it.

More often than not, she's quick to distrust, she's also hesitant to reveal her newfound family name. Being the daughter of a renowned pirate doesn't exactly bode well. Kat can come off as cold and sarcastic most of the time, she tries to hide anything else she might be feeling. She's not completely unapproachable though, it just takes time. 

Family: Finnley, Cerothyn, Camsyn, Reli, Riley, Drais, and Rielen. NPCS: Lilia & Lilith
Activity: Semi-active/By Request

Rue Panipahr

Kindness is seemingly looked over, however, Rue always tries to emanate it. The healer for hire is bubbly and goes out of her way for others. Her small, pear shaped form barely reaches 4'10" but that doesn't stop her from making her presence known. Long, chocolatey hair falls just past her shoulders and blue eyes stand out against her paled skin. A mess of freckles splatter across her nose and under her eyes. 

She often smells like she just stepped out of a coffee shop, the aroma of baked goods and coffee cling to her no matter where she is. Those who know her, most likely know the smell comes from her small cafe, Odder Otter; the healer doesn't seem to mind it.

There is a darker secret with the kind woman, one that she wouldn't give out; one that isn't hers to tell. She somehow was roped in by the criminal organization known as The Lotus, working as the secretary to the kingpin himself. How this came to be is a mystery itself, but those who dig deeper into her past just might put the pieces of the puzzle together.

Family: N/A
Lolette: sibling-like bond.
Activity: Semi-active/By Request

Request Only

Tess Vitae

Tess looms around local fighting clubs, sometimes she joins in and other times she sits back and watches the bloodsport with a crooked grin.

Formerly living the life of crime, Tess seems rigid when she talks about her childhood. "It was rough" is about all that is given aside from the South Shroud origins. Most shrug it off, given Keepers didn't have the easiest of lives. The truth, however, is she spent almost all of her childhood and adolescent years among the Blue Butchers. Perhaps something is oddly familiar about her if you had once been robbed by such a gang in the shroud many years ago.

Tess seems to begrudgingly offer her help to those who need it. She looks awkward and out of place when she does, as if she's still trying to get used to it. 

Family: N/A
Rythas Brenelle: Sibling-like bond.
Activity: By Request

Rielle Kamata

Rielle seems like a kind woman, one who takes in those who need work and a place to call home. When in reality, there's always a price tag that comes with it. She has a small "investment business" called the Spider Lily. She claims to go around helping small businesses in need by giving out loans and for all who dig, she does. She simply asks for these businesses to give either residence or work to the many people she has come to collect.

What she's actually running is a criminal organization located in Kugane. The businesses help keep her front, she keeps them open, and provides a large investment for their operations.

Family: Lolette and Talvi.
Activity: By Request

Iriseli Miret-moor

Iriseli has an air around her of confidence and pride. She can be cruel and often have ulterior motives. She’s also selfish and easily angered which causes her to have violent tendencies. She can lie with ease and tends to extremely persuading when she needs to be, after all, you’re either in her way or someone deemed useful. This doesn't mean she constantly lies, she’s actually rather blunt at times. She can also just as easily put on a “face” when need be it, especially when it comes to a job.

None of these things mean she’s completely unapproachable though; in fact, she seems rather friendly at times- it’s just the why that’s unknown.

Family: Anaya Miret-moor
Activity: By Request

Aiden Ras'vanae

The first thing about this man that one would notice would be that charming, boyish grin. Though often it’s met with narrowed eyes that gleam with amusement and mischief. It’s clear he’s up to something, it’s just the what that’s unknown. When speaking it’s nearly impossible to tell the difference between his truths and lies. He’s well practiced with manipulating people’s emotions with that silver tongue of his. Aiden knows just how to adapt and blend into his surroundings.

To anyone attuned with sensing magic Aiden practically oozes it. From fire to void, he's dabbling in anything he can get his hands on. He excels in void, fire, and even illusion magic. Aiden has also studied magical artifacts most of his life and finds himself to be a collector of sorts. He has contacts here and there for rare objects and even illegal ones; highly illegal. If there's something you need done he's the right man to come to, though everything comes with a price.

The question is: are you willing to pay it?

 Family: Ceithil Ras'vanae.
Activity: By Request

Liara Vitiere

Liara is rough around the edges thanks to growing up with her half-brother and most of the other misfits of the Shroud. To others outside of the town and her lifestyle, she can come off as intimidating or rude. She tends to speak what’s on her mind often with brutal honesty and it leads others to make quick judgement about her character. However, most of the time, this doesn’t tend to bother her since she doesn’t let what other people think get to her. She can also be impulsive and stubborn, which often leads her to a lot of bad decisions and trouble.

She likes a challenge and when she lets her guard down around others, she can easily become the life of the party. Though she does prefer to be around a few close friends over a large group. When she’s gained an attachment to someone she’s fiercely protective, refusing to let others walk all over them and will usually go out of her way to help them.

Family: Vyith (half-brother) The Zeddicus family, though she doesn't claim them.
Ceithil Ras'vanae: father/daughter-like bond.
Aiden Ras'vanae: uncle/niece-like bond.
Activity: By Request

Rielen Zeddicus

The house of wolves, as many call it.

Once you know them, really know them, you start to understand just how fitting it really was. The family is known for their greed, pride, assassination and ties to the black market. With many enemies, it's no wonder they're so merciless.

The name Zeddicus used to mean nothing; it was a simple name.

There were no ties to the criminal world, there was no wealth, and there was no empire. Rielen’s father was a blacksmith and his mother? She was nothing more than a bandit. He was meant to take over his father’s craft and nothing more; a simple life.

However, something inside the young boy wanted more, perhaps he got that from his mother. He wanted to make his mark on the world and, at first, it was an innocent thought. There was no darkness to it but then that thought became an obsession.

No more would the name Zeddicus be nothing; it would be whispered in lavish parties and it belonged in history.

It wasn't until Rielen met Lilia that he made it all happen years later. He took his family of Duskwights, ripping them from the shroud's safety, to the icy and stoned walls of Ishgard.

Family: Cerothyn, Camsyn, Drais, Reli, Riley, Katlinne, and Finnley. NPCS: Lilia & Lilith
Activity: By Request