Thanks for posting about this. It's not possible to set a default privacy setting for activities, based on activity type. A workaround you could consider would be to change your default settings so all activities sync into your account visible only to you. You can then edit the visibility settings of only the ones you want to share with others.

I appreciate this, but this seems like a really big privacy miss. A lot of users want to share specific sport activities to Strava by default, but then every other activity gets logged as well. For instance, my bike rides I want shared automatically so my team can keep up with me, etc - but I don't want my cardio or strength training shared to everyone because that shows everyone that I'm probably home.

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I have done this but just realised these activities show on my profile page to followers, I don't want this to happen. My followers should only be able to see activities on my profile page that are set to everyone or followers. I do not want followers to see my weights etc which is why I chose "only you" Followers being able to see I have done these activites (even though they cant see detail) makes a mockery of the "only you" setting.

Thank for mentioning this. Activities that are set to "only you" will not be visible to anyone (including your Followers) on your profile page. If that seems to be happening, could you double check those activities and ensure they are set to "only you".

An enumeration of the types an activity may have. Note that this enumeration does not include new sport types (e.g. MountainBikeRide, EMountainBikeRide), activities with these sport types will have the corresponding activity type (e.g. Ride for MountainBikeRide, EBikeRide for EMountainBikeRide)

The colored circles show the projected positions of selected activities. Each colored line plots the time gaps between a selected activity and the main activity. The main activity appears as a flat black line.

If you see any error messages, please take a screen shot and submit a support ticket and we will investigate further. Also please include the file if possible that is producing the error message or is not uploading so a support team member can further investigate.

Same issue....processing activity has been stuck and another activity afterwards uploaded immediately. The activity shows in Applications, I've re-imported, turned phone off and on it's not processing. How do you delete import and re-import?

I agree. I get confused at first when scrolling through my activities. It should be an optional thing and maybe a separate link from the feed page, similar to the "memories" page on Facebook. It is there for people to click and view if they want, but it isn't merging itself randomly into the current activity feed.

Yes, this should surely be optional (and certainly for paying members). Already accidently deleted a workout, because I thought it was synced from my Galaxy Watch. Turn this off Strava or make it optional!

I love this feature. I even get some from 2 years ago. For me it reminds me of rides, and sometimes still has old pic attached. I do like Shkara's note indicating it can be optional for those that don't want it. For those of us that do like it, keep them coming, Strava.

@Forza - It is not optional. There are suggestions that they should make it optional, but that would require Strava to change their system. If they insist on keeping it, they need to make it optional. Maybe something like Facebook (just an example) where you can click on a "memories" tab or link to see what you did that day in past years. It shouldn't be quietly slipped into your regular feed as it if it was a current activity.

I want to add my vote to this ticket. Enable us to deactivate 'On this day' activities. It takes up so much room in the app - why do you assume that we want to see an activity we did a couple years ago? I want to see only current activities, because that's where my mind is at right now. If I want to see historic activities, I can use the search function. Appreciate others may be different so make it optional.

Yes please make this optional. Fitness is not always consistent and I don't want auto reminders from a year ago. If I need to reflect or analyse I will do this myself, when I choose. Additionally every time an old activity appears it is a barrier to accessibly viewing your current activity/status. Clear access to current information is what we need. Thank you.

Hey @Bln745, 

Thanks for your post. I took a look at your account and the error we are seeing on our end is 'the file has too few data points', meaning that there was insufficient data written to the activity file for our system to actually process it. This usually occurs when the watch can write neither GPS nor heart rate data to the file during the recording process.

Settings app > Health > Data Access & Devices > Strava

Heart Rate should have a green toggle to indicate that we are allowed to read this data. I have provided a screenshot of how this should look:

Unfortunately we aren't able to fix or add in missing data for these activity files, but the above should provide the solution so that this doesn't happen with new workouts.

If you have further questions, please submit a support ticket and we can take a closer look.

Hey @Stephwgriffith, 

Thanks for your post! You should be able to access this on your iphone. If you are having trouble locating this, please submit a support ticket and our team can walk you through this.

Currently Stava only allows to shorten the activity on start and end or to split the activity. When I do e.g. 3 stops that have such wrong recordings, splitting the activity and shorten the wrong parts is not a sufficient option.

Ideally, if you have trouble in the middle of your activity only 2 or 3 activities at most would need to be created. If you feel this method is too much to go through, would you mind suggesting an alternate idea to edit the middle of an incorrect activity?

The issue is that the activity is ruined as it splits over n smaller activities. I suggest a UI like in a video editing application. One can select a start and end segment and then a button "cut" that removes everything on a time line. this should be repeatable.

@Bryant - Rather than using the existing "split" function that breaks a single activity into completely separate files, it would be just treating a section in the middle as if the user just stopped and turned off their device for a while and then restarted it on the other end. It would keep it all as a single activity file, but just not record any data for the portion that was "blocked out".

Sometimes for reasons yet unknown to me my smartphone's gps sometimes jumps, i.e. single points are recorded at a different point (usually earlier point on track), then the track record jumps back. So I would like to delete this erroneous point to correct the track. Or maybe some sort of smoothing/filter function for the track to remove unplausible data (like a short segment where walking speed is suddenly way excess 10km/h).

@Bryant I agree with RolandRides that there should be a way to crop out multiple unwanted sections of an activity. In my case, we were doing MTB downhill runs using a vehicle to take us back to the top of the mountain. I forgot to turn off my Garmin on the return shuttle rides to the top of the mountain. If I understand the current version of Strava you can only crop or split the activity ending in lost segments.

@TheGodKing - If you are trying to remove a section of a ride in the middle, the best thing to do would be to split the activity into two activities and then crop the portion you want removed from whichever one you left it in when you split it. This way, you won't lose any segments, you will just end up having the day's riding split up into two separate activity files. I totally agree that there should be a way to remove a section of a single activity and have the rest still remain as a single activity, but in the meantime, at least you can still remove unwanted parts and not lose the parts you do want to keep. 152ee80cbc

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