I'm interested in building a compendium of startup idea planning resources. I've found a few valuable resources like strategyzer, Business Model Canvas, Lean Canvas and similar. Some of these fall short in specific areas, like more formula-based ways of estimating market size or exploring technologies strategy to larger business model (e.g. marketplace versus ecommerce platform).

Upmetrics, like IdeaBuddy, is a business planning tool, rather than a business model planning tool. It helps you plan and grow your business through planning, strategizing and collaboration. One of its features also includes the Canvas Modeling feature you can use for business model planning. It has several different business model canvases you can use to create a one-page business plan for your idea.

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A strategic plan typically consists of trying to cobble together data from various stakeholders, adding graphics and budget details, resulting in an unwieldy document. The alternative is to draw a "strategy canvas."

A strategy canvas shows the competitive factors, both current and future. Secondly, it shows the strategic profile of current and potential competitors. Lastly, it displays the company's strategic profile, the "value curve." This tool was developed by W. Chan Kim and Rene Mauborgne, authors of Blue Ocean Strategy.

At first glance, this tool is a simple sheet of paper with a large square on the left and a circle on the right. It is a geometric collage formed by the customer segment canvas and the value proposition model. Together they aim to provide an understanding of the features and functionality a product should possess to meet the requirements of a particular category of users.

Traditionally, the introduction to the canvas starts with the right part representing the customer profile. The circle is divided into three parts where you have to define the tasks and expectations that customers will fulfill, as well as the positive and negative experiences associated with them. You are not concerned with the product now, only with the challenges of the end user.

Together with Yves Pigneur, they have created practical tools used by leading companies worldwide, such tools are: Business Model Canvas, Value Proposition Canvas and Business Portfolio Map. In 2010 they published the book "Business Model Generation" as a practical guide for the design of the business model canvas.

This book defines a business model as that which "describes the basis on which a company creates, delivers and captures value" and states that the best way to build a model is to divide it into nine basic modules, representing the main variables of a business. These elements are captured in the Business Model Canvas (BMC) in such a way that the right side of the canvas focuses on the customer (external factors) and the left side focuses on the company (internal factors), with the value proposition at the center as the element of exchange between business and customer.

Now, if you are wondering how to fill in the canvas or what information to consider, here are the answers. Following the same order of the nine modules mentioned above, in each of them you must define a series of fundamental aspects for the functioning of your business.

Once you have completed the canvas it is time for analysis; find the patterns, research the types of business models, understand the characteristics of your business to establish the model that will generate the most profit. You can read the following blog: 14 Successful Business Model Patterns

The online Harvard Business Review article from which the above video was sourced provides some additional context and also links to another video that shows how a canvas applies to an existing company, Nespresso.

Want to know how to apply the canvas for social enterprises or a non-profit venture? The Social Business Model Canvas website provides a free template for social businesses and a sample canvas for the Kiva.org organization.

The Lean Canvas was designed for startups and has components specifically targeted to support the lean startup process. Lean Canvas is utilized to validate your ideas and concept. Companies often move to business model canvas when they have validated the business or are already a traditional business.

There is a third canvas called the Value Proposition Canvas which helps entrepreneurs focus on "jobs to be done" and how a startups' value proposition may reduce the pains and increase the gains in getting those jobs done. Coupling the Value Proposition with the Business Model Canvas has been touted by some as a more complete approach for startups.

The nine "building blocks" of the business model design template that came to be called the Business Model Canvas were initially proposed in 2005 by Alexander Osterwalder,[5] based on his PhD work supervised by Yves Pigneur on business model ontology.[6] Since the release of Osterwalder's work around 2008,[7] the authors have developed related tools such as the Value Proposition Canvas and the Culture Map,[8] and new canvases for specific niches have also appeared.

Its simplicity. The business model canvas allows us to carry out a high-level analysis without drilling down and getting lost in the details. You just draw out the 9 building blocks on a blank canvas, fill them in as each concept relates to your business, and hang it somewhere everybody can see.

Then, after drawing a mock canvas onto a whiteboard, proceed to dissect and discuss each of the 9 building blocks as they relate to your business. You can use sticky notes to better organize your thoughts around the canvas.

Although I did mention starting with a large whiteboard, sticky notes, and a pack of colorful sharpies there are several options in which you can digitize the business canvas model production process.

Like Strategyzer, there are several business model canvas templates provided to help you get started with your analysis. The strength of this platform is its accessibility. Much like a Google Doc., several people can brainstorm on the same canvas simultaneously with changes being synchronized automatically.

Use this template to outline all the advantages, targets, challenges, risks, costs, and opportunities of your business. After completing each step, you'll have an exportable canvas representing all the key details.

A business model canvas (BMC) is a one-page model that provides a clear and concise overview of a company's value proposition, target customer segments, revenue streams, cost structure, key activities, resources, partnerships, and channels.

By filling out each section of the canvas, business owners and entrepreneurs can gain a deeper understanding of different business models, identify areas for improvement, and develop strategies to achieve their goals.

Once you have filled out all the sections, review your canvas and make any necessary adjustments. You may want to consider whether there are any areas that need further refinement, or if there are any inconsistencies that need to be resolved.

Use the canvas to guide your decision-making and strategy development. You may want to share it with your team, investors, or other stakeholders to get their feedback and input. Update it regularly as your business evolves and grows to inform your roadmap.

Invite more team members into the workflow to help with building out each section of the canvas. Team members can provide valuable feedback and unique insights that will strengthen the quality of your business model canvas

A business model canvas can be used for more than new business models or an existing business strategy. For example, try gathering insights across an organization to build a more inclusive environment.

A business model canvas can be helpful at any stage of the business planning process. However, it is most commonly used in startups and organizations in the early stages of a new venture, when business ideas are still being developed.

However, in general, the canvas can be used as a tool for planning and organizational purposes, as it prompts you to think carefully about every aspect of launching your business initiative, from your target customer segments, to the potential revenue and cost structure associated with your approach. Additionally, the canvas can be used as a communication tool to explain the business model to others.


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