Learning in Presence of Strategic Behavior
(NeurIPS 2021 Workshop)
In recent years, machine learning has been called upon to solve increasingly more complex tasks and to regulate many aspects of our social, economic, and technological world. These applications include learning economic policies from data, learning personalized models across populations of users, and ranking qualified candidates for admission, hiring, and lending. These tasks take place in a complex social and economic context where the learners and objects of learning are often people or organizations that are impacted by the learning algorithm and, in return, can take actions that influence the learning process. Learning in this context calls for a new vision for machine learning and economics that aligns the incentives and interests of the learners and other parties and is robust to the evolving social and economic needs.
This workshop's main goal is to address current challenges and opportunities that arise from interactions of learning systems with social and strategic agents. This workshop aims to bring together members of different communities, including machine learning, economics, theoretical computer science, and social computing, to share recent results, discuss important directions for future research, and foster collaborations. The workshop will include keynote presentations, moderated discussions, contributed talks, and poster sessions.
Consider contributing to the workshop - see the call for papers!
Virtual Website Link: https://nips.cc/virtual/2021/workshop/21844
Plenary Speakers
(Stanford University)
(Duke University)
(Stanford University)
(UC Berkeley)
In addition to their plenary talks, the workshop will have two moderated discussions on "Opportunities for ML in Econ, and Vice Versa" and on "Achieving Agent Coordination in Theory and Practice".
The workshop takes place virtually on Monday, December 13.
(see NeurIPS virtual site for all details)
(see the detailed program here)
Time (PT)
08:50 - 09:00 Opening remarks
09:00 - 09:40 Keynote 1: Michael Jordan
09:40 - 10:20 Keynote 2: Susan Athey
10:20 - 10:50 Moderated discussion: "Learning and Economics: A Vision for Future Research and Development"
10:50 - 11:10 Break
11:10 - 12:00 Paper highlights x 5
12:00 - 1:00 Poster session on Gather
13:00 - 13:40 Keynote 3: Dorsa Sadigh
13:40 - 14:20 Keynote 4: Vince Conitzer
14:20 - 14:50 Moderated discussion: "Achieving Agent Coordination in Theory and Practice"
14:50 - 15:00 Closing remarks and moving to socialize on Gather
Tel-Aviv University
UC Berkeley
Northwestern University
Google Research, Tel Aviv University
Harvard University
Contact: strategicmlworkshop@gmail.com