Until the 90s I only ever saw the word "strafe" used in the sense of direct gun fire from an aircraft on surface targets. Apparently that usage comes from the WWI German propaganda slogan "Gott strafe England", or "May God punish England".

i did some shallow research and surprisingly found little to no relevance for strafe despite it shooting wayyy faster when i was comparing it with rapid fire in a testing world. is it not compatible with a good bow enchant or something? i also determined that u can combine the two but i really didnt notice a difference between the combination and strafe VI by itself.

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Now how do I actually practice these things? The easiest method to practice strafe aim without pressure is in kovaaks. Find a movement scenario and practice mirroring and anti mirroring. The by far best method to get better at raw strafing mechanics regardless of game specific things is playing LG duels in Quake Live, these people will break your ankles in their sleep. For Overwatch you can do this in tryhard FFA's. Just play a round and mirror every single opponent. Try to feel what it actually does to your aim, to your damage intake and how mirroring affects the fights against different heroes. Then do the same for anti-mirroring. Really get familiar with both and find out what it does. You should absolutely learn the intricacies of it before you use it in game, because if done wrong, you make yourself an extremely easy target to hit.

This was an extremely broad and simplified explanation of a few strafe concepts. The entire topic is extremely deep and completely changes once you start taking geometrical positioning into the equation. Anyone interested going deeper into the topic should read the following guides:

Disclaimer: I am rather new to Overwatch. I used to play Quake competitively, which was all about strafe and dogde. If I told you anything that does not apply to Overwatch, please feel free to correct me ASAP.

when i test the animation into the animation blueprint changing the values of the variables, the animations work fine, the player walk forward, backwards, strafe left and right, but when i test the game only the run forward animation is played.

i just noticed a weird thing, if i move the camera with the mouse on left or right the pawn begin to strafe, its not strafing right because the left strafe will show when i move to the right and vice versa, but why the direction value is receive from the camera rotate and not from the keys ?

the player is moved using the keyboard, wsad (forward, backwards, strafe left, strafe right) the camera is moved using the mouse, these two behaviors work fine, i modified the c++ to walk in that way using the rotation of the controller.

Usually when a keyboard is hot swappable then its advertised since its a nicer feature that mech keyboard enthusiasts like for changing switches frequently. Im gonna go with seon123 on this and say its soldered. I mean I don't have the strafe, so check the page to see if it lets you change switches. I seriously doubt corsair would feature that. If they did they would overprice their keyboards even more than they need to be.

The strafe bug has made a return since it made mouse strafers unable to play in 10.1. When attempting to strafe with mouse buttons (4 and 5) while using the mouse to move, my character will get stuck auto strafing in that particular strafe direction until that strafe button is hit again to cancel it. This makes it impossible to use this style of movement.

while i have not experienced inability to strafe after flying for a couple of days, it is still an issue where the character may face and go forward in an unintuitive manner, and autorun is activated unexpectedly.

I have this issue as well, pretty sure is linked to dragonriding. I had the issue doing the last quests of the campaign. Then I fixed it by mounting my dragon, but then I had to go into instances where I couldnt mount my dragon to fix it, and couldnt strafe at all.

I love Blake Stone but the one thing that really impinges upon my fun is the limited strafe control. I really want to use WASD style controls but I just can't get it happening. I've tried Auto Hot Key and I've even tried JoyToKey but nothing seems to work... :(

I have a vain hope that one day someone'll port Blake to a Doom engine but in the mean-time does anyone have any ideas as to how best to get single key (or controller button) strafing?

The problem with that is you can't strafe and turn at the same time...

I would think something like the dosbox keymapper would not work because it simulates actually holding alt+left or right, and thus mouse movement would just strafe....right?

I think you're out of luck, unless someone hacks the executable to add them. I found a tweaked version of Wolf3D years ago that hardcoded strafe to A and D, but there you've got the source to work with. (Blake Stone's source was never released, right?) Like magicsofa already said, the in-game strafe option also makes the mouse strafe, unlike Doom, so you can't just set strafe to a toggle and leave it on all the time.

I'm now level 400 and just wanted to learn how to strafe while aiming. I see that strafing mid fight is the only skill that I lack since after 4400 levels I just went with the normal controls. So what's your button layout? I tried watching youtube videos and they said button puncher. I tried it and clicking the right stick (R3) and aiming at the same time is hard! For now I'm in customized having my crouch as L1, O as ping, and R1 as my tactical. 2 days in and I'm still struggling with my controls as if my fingers have a mind of their own. lol.

Share some tips! CHEERS!

When you go strafe, your SPI will be the impact point of the bullets and the TGP will be slaved on it. You need to go back to other modes. I don't think there is any other possibility.

The radar is used for ranging in that case AFAIK. 2351a5e196

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