St. Paul and the Letters to the Church in Corona

A project for families at St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Maumee during COVID-19

Let's write some letters!

What would St. Paul do during hard times? He would write letters to those he could not be with in person!

The Ashton's

Here is a message from our family after visiting with St. Paul!

The LaPlante's

Here is a message from our family after visiting with St. Paul!

Where will St Paul go next?

Sachs Family

St. Paul enjoyed visiting the Sachs family and swimming in the pool!


Contact to get more information on the project!

The Ashton's

St. Paul spent several days with C and A, going to ballet, playing on the swingset, and even celebrating a birthday!

The LaPlante's

St. Paul had a fun time with A, L, and C (along with the parents!), and he wrote another letter in their home.

These are all the places that St. Paul wished he could go this summer! Thanks to the LaPlante's for these creative images!