What is the World

About the book

I wrote the book in 2010-11 and I self-published it in 2013. I started advertising and popularizing it only recently, so the ideas in the book are still unknown to the general public. Most of them are very original and novel, without an analogue in the scientific body of knowledge.

The book itself in terms of genre is in between a popular science and a philosophy text. The key idea that all the claims made in the book rest on is that everything - typically divided into two categories: matter and consciousness - can be conceived as entities which represent each others' states, i.e., representations, for short. In philosophy, it is customary to think of mental states as representations of the external reality, but the understanding of particles of matter as representations is a completely new idea. The first one third of the book - approximately - is devoted to explaining how this can be done, and then the understanding of the conscious state of matter in the brain is presented in the second chapter as a natural continuation of the understanding of individual particles as representations. Finally, the totality of all representations, known as "the universe," is discussed in chapter 3, plus some consequences for everyday knowledge and conceptions in chapter 4.

I would be grateful for any feedback on the ideas outlined in the book. Although I do not expect everyone to accept them as plausible, I am hoping that there will be at least some who will be as impressed by this picture of the reality we all live in as I am.

The book is available on Amazon in the major English-speaking countries.
