Tryout Information


(Projected Schedule)

August 12- 14th


9a-11a @ Diethelm (Victoria Field House)- All players

3-5p @ Stadium- All Players


9-11a @ Diethelm- All Players

2:00-5p @ Stadium (time may be split into multiple sessions) Groups determined when we know registrations #s


 2-4p @ Stadium **Varsity Pool Only.  Invites will be sent via email Tuesday evening

What to Expect

Evaluations consist of:

Fitness/ Skills Tests


Starting on end-line of a full-length (120 yard) field.  Sprint to the other end in 20 seconds.  Upon whistle at 20 seconds, jog back to the start in 35 seconds.  Rest for 30 seconds.  X 10 with 1-minute extra rest after 4 and 7.

Scored by # completed.  Player stops upon failure.

Beep Test(Pacer)

Scored by level completed.  Player stops when misses 2 in a row.


Feet-only (may use knees to keep the ball going).  Right foot/ Left foot/ both.

Scored by highest # completed consecutively in 2 minutes(for each surface).

Aerial Control

Resting partner throws ball to active player from 3-4 yards away.  Active player must recieve and vollet using the following order.

Right foot, right volley.  Left foot, left volley.  Right thigh, right volley.  Left thigh, left volley.  Chest, right volley.  Chest, left volley. Head, right volley. Head, left volley.  

Ball must be volleyed back, and be caught by resting partner.

If players gets 6 or more out of 8, resting player steps back to 6-8 yards away and completes again in the same order.

Scored by # points completed.  16 possible. Only advance to further distance if 6/8 achieved from short distance.

Feedback Meetings

Friday, August 16, 2024

Optional Feedback Meetings for 11th & 12th graders.

If space allows, we can open it to 9th-10th graders.

Note: You are required to attend your Thursday team practice prior to the feedback meetings.