Li Shou

“Time is like a river. You cannot touch the same water twice, because the flow that has passed will never pass again. Enjoy every moment of your life!”


My first life was, by no means, my greatest. Indeed, it may have been my worst, the one where I made my biggest mistake. History has forgotten about this story. Now, it is a tale that is only briefly mentioned, a fairy tale, a story of morals for children. None the less, it became the most important one for me to tell.

I was known as Li Shou. I was a deity of a sort, not quite divine, but not worldly either. The unknown charged my kind, the cats, with overseeing the world. Our job was to maintain the balance and ensure the world’s prosperity. We patrolled the world and we did our jobs well, at least at first. We ensured that each creature and being was thriving and growing. We checked the balance, making sure that the small and weak still had a chance to live. The thing is, I was the only one who lived longer than a generation. The first generation was vigilant. They were the ones who had been directly charged by the unknown. The only ones, aside from me, who had felt that oppressive and inspiring presence. They lived their lives well under this certainty. The second generation was not so lucky. Sure, they still did their job, but they became distracted. A pretty scene here or a pleasant sensation there made them forget their duty. It got worse as time when on. Slowly, my fellow cats forgot their charge until all they did was laze about in the sunshine, chasing butterflies and cherry blossoms.

I would love to say that I was exempt from this deterioration, but that would be a lie. It may have taken longer, but I was still young and often had my own distractions. I loved watching your people the most. They were clever, in a nonsensical way. Even back then they seemed to do everything backwards or the hard way. It was amusing. Aside from you humans, I had other distractions. I remember the first time I got caught. I had found the perfect tree for sleeping on. It was perfectly shaped and was always warm. I am somewhat ashamed to say I fell asleep. When I woke up, it was to the unknown chastising me. The world had gone crazy. I believe that this is when platypuses were born- do not ask me how. It just sort of happened. I promised the unknown that I would not stray from my duties again. I did not for many years. I remained vigilant and attentive, even as my kin strayed from their duties.

The second time was bad timing on my part. As I walked through the cherry groves, the blossoms started to fall. They were so graceful and hypnotic that I sat there and watched them fall for days. The unknown found me there, transfixed by this dying beauty, and questioned my dedication. Once again, I apologized for my negligence and then continued my charge. By this time, I was the only one left still observing the unknown's command.

The final chastisement was a rather strange event. I was watching a human. Your kind had begun to alter the world to your needs. In this particular case, I was watching a woman weave a basket. I had seen this before— your kind had been making clothing and tools for many years by now— but it was always fascinating to watch. As she wove the basket, a burr fell to the ground. Annoyed, the human swatted it away, unknowingly, in my direction. When it came into my reach, I batted at it. Then, because I could, I did it again. Then again, and again, and again. By the time the unknown found me, I had been playing with this burr for hours, possibly days. Once again, he asked me about my dedication to my duty. However, this time, I did not reply that I could continue . Instead, I told him that the task would be better suited to another creature. Cats were too easily distracted, too amused by the simple things to watch the larger world. When he asked me what creature should take my place, I recommended humans. Already, they had proven themselves more thoughtful and attentive than cats. Approving my suggestion, he gave humans one gift to help them succeed in their duties. He gave them language.

Now, to you, in your modern world, this may seem strange. But, I tell you there is no greater gift. Language is what enables knowledge to spread. Now, innovations passed from parent to child to far off descendants, and across broad groups of people. It enables culture to form, ideas could be communicated and acted upon, creativity thrived. Language is the building blocks of society. Without it humans might still be simple, but clever, animals hiding out in caves. Little did I know just how much humans could do now that they could overcome the world together. Due to my folly, the paradise previously under my command would fall, but that is a different story.

I too received a gift, this one for my dedication. I alone among the animals could speak in tongues, not often, but when necessary. I was the bridge from the divine to mankind, but only when I desired to. However, to me there was a gift greater than the privilege of speech: I was free. No longer would I have to force myself to be attentive. Now, I could enjoy life and though I still watch over the world, it is more out of curiosity then obligation.

Around this time, I was no longer known as Li Shou. That part of my life was over. Li Shou was a being bound by obligation and duty. A new life had begun for me.

Now, I would be known as U Kai, a free spirit.

Banner Image: Cherry Blossoms by Olympus E-P17 on Max Pixel

Image: Paralax by Apofiss on DeviantArt

Online Sources: "An Ancient Chinese Myth" from Old Cat Stories from Around the World and "Myths and Domestication of Cats in Chinese History" by Playful Kitty

Music Recommendation: She Who Watches by Peter Grudny

Author's Note: I suppose some explanation must be provided, as well as a promise for future stories. The original story is an example of responsible behavior- do not be distracted and own up to your mistakes- and is a justification for as to why humans are the highest creatures on earth. I kept the essential elements of the story, but I stretched it over a longer period of time and changed the perspective. The original story was more about setting up man’s place in the world whereas my interpretation is setting up the world for the cat. The major point of these piece was to provide an origin story, an essential part of any myth. I dislike stories that jump straight into the actions without providing the backstory, and this was my solution. This is a major growing point, where the cat makes mistakes and sets the stage for future learning opportunities and regrets. Without this choice, the cat would be a very different being. As to my promise, other stories will have more going on and will have more interactions with humans then this one. If you can bear to read more, you will begin to see just how important the first story is and how intertwined this cat becomes in the story of humanity.