Privacy Policy

We take your privacy very seriously and will only use source information, such as your cards data as described below.

Personal Information and Information About Your Cards.

All your cards data is stored locally, i.e. on your device directly. It is not sent over the Internet, except if you choose to archive your cards. In this case, information is passed to iCloud and stored in your private data base. Access to private data base has iCloud account holder only. You can manage all your archives (create new archives, view existing archives, delete archives) from the application.

Card data is not shared with any third party entities or persons, unless you export cards via WiFi network to any other iOS device using this application.

We do not collect, store, share or send over the Internet your personal information or personally identifiable and sensitive information, except if decide to store cardholder name and phone number. This information could be also archived or exported as described above.

Information About Your Use of Application on Your Device.

We do not use any 3rd party analytics software, like Google Firebase or Facebook Analytics except native Apple diagnostics. So that we can improve the features and usability of our products.