Sharing a very basic timer I built in Interface Designer, since you cannot currently use base extensions from interfaces. Pretty easy to set-up and requires no automations - hope others find this helpful! (see attached video)

This is a simple stopwatch timer that will not show a running time, but by clicking buttons you can check your time. It offers basic stopwatch functionality - you can start, stop, check, and reset the timer, but you cannot pause the timer and pick it back up.

Stopwatch Timer

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Likewise, this field will give the DATETIME_DIFF between when the stopwatch timer was started and stopped (under the condition that both checkbox fields are marked which, because users are only manipulating this using the interface buttons, should be the case)

And we can actually see that the time gets updated in a manner that agrees with the speed factor (like, if you choose twice the speed, the timer below gets updated twice faster than normal), and you can change this speed rate whenever you want.

A quick search in Synaptic shows a few timers here, gtimer (appears standalone, looks to have several options & timers), stopwatch looks good, gnome-shell-timer (for gnome-shell, probably won't work in Unity), ktimer (has lots of KDE dependencies), xfce4-timer-plugin.

The stopwatch supports up to 10 lap times, and will 'run' in the background if the device is locked (I'm just recording the time you started the stopwatch, and diffing the current time on resume/update).

The timer supports up to 3 independent timers. Both modes have a dark mode option as well!

I agree that this is a "bug". The display should stay on when using the stopwatch (and adhere to the "activities" display settings. I find myself starting an activity when all I want is to use a stopwatch/timer just so the display stays on - and I don't want my dispaly on all the time to preseve battery life.

However, it's the opposite. Timer stops and Stopwatch times. Like, you would need to use a stopwatch to "time" how long I've been studying, and you would need to use a timer to make the clock "stop" after 5 minutes and let me know the egg is done.

I am shocked that the Forerunner 35 does not have a stopwatch or countdown timer! There already is a count-up timer when starting an activity so how difficult is it to have it stand-alone as a stopwatch? A countdown timer is also an easy addition to have so why not consider it Garmin?

Now that Ventura has the clock app, has anyone figured out how to start a timer from Alfred? I use a lot of timers. I would love to type something like "timer 5 minutes" and have the time app start a timer.

In Sandwich timer workflow, how can one get prompt at the end of cycle and re-start a new one? Is it possible to use sandwich time and automation task to achieve this? Essentially, I want to repeat 25 min cycle with 5 min break

This will give you a counter, which will count up every second of the runtime of this pump. As soon as the pump stops, the last count will stay visible in input_number.tank_pump_runtime.

As soon as the pump restarts, the stopwatch will be set on 0 seconds and the measuring of the runtime will be started again.

RIght now the best I can do is to set up a Quick Look view, but I'm wondering if there is a keystroke command that would pop up the timer/ stopwatch like the G530 does when you click on its display. I have looked for addons, plugins, but have not found anything. I am almost tempted to try using an iPhone app or a kitchen timer, but would prefer one that I can "see" in the instrument panel.

You click on the SELECT button until the little black bar is under ET - then you can use the CONTROL button to start the timer, stop it - and if you move the mouse just a tad to the left of the button (a small arrow appears) you can reset it to 0.

Have to say, the timer works pretty close to the real gauge in 172s (the timer reset function being the biggest difference), but I think what you are saying is it is hard to read in 3d view. If it is insufficient, then maybe buy an actual stopwatch, which is what IFR pilots in training also typically do.

Also, I can assure you that pilots in real IFR training to do not use a wristbound or handheld stopwatch - and neither do airline pilots in their big jets, who still routinely use the stopwatch on every takeoff (because take off thrust is limited to 10 minutes). It would be too hard to handle in the cockpit and its timer would also not be visible to the second pilot who might want to know what the timing is for a downwind position of a visual approach etc.

I think I've just been spoiled by the G530 popup that you can resize and park in some spot on the screen. I was wondering if XP11 had some "magic button" that I hadn't discovered where I could do something similar with the clock / timer. One year into this, I keep finding new tricks and things I somehow missed.

This MakeCode Arcade project will display a stopwatch in a text sprite. The stopwatch will count up from zero. The player can start the stopwatch by pressing A. The user can pause the stopwatch also by pressing A.

In the Events section, we noticed that one of our events depends on the current state of the program. If the timer is running, then we need to stop the timer when the player presses A. So, we need to keep track of whether the timer is running. To do that, we can use a variable.

Create a function that updates the stopwatch sprite. Then, at the bottom of the on start block, call the function. For the parameters, pass initial information that seems reasonable to you. Then, compare your function and function call with the ones that I wrote below.

Now, think again about how we can calculate the time we need to update the stopwatch sprite. What code goes inside of that if block in the on game update loop? Give it a try! Once you think you have your code working correctly, compare it with mine below.

One last thing. Did you notice that the timer seemed to be counting very quickly? If we look at our new block again, we notice that it says time since start (ms). That (ms) means that the clock is being kept in milliseconds. There are 1,000 milliseconds in a second. So, we need to adjust the value that we send to updateStopWatch. Give it a try on your own, then compare your adjustment to mine below.

I would like to to know how fast my Server Side API Action executes. Is there any solution how I can achieve that?

My initial idea is to start timer as a first API Action step and in the end stop timer and set timer value as an output.

The online stopwatch counts the time to the millisecond that passes after you click the "Start" button. It allows you to add laps. If you close the stopwatch, the value and laps will be automatically saved. If the period is sufficiently large, the number of days passed will be displayed, too.

Click the "Start" or "Stop" buttons to start or stop the stopwatch. Click the "Lap" button to add one lap and the current stopwatch value to the lap list. To reset laps and the stopwatch value, click the "Reset" button (the button appears when the stopwatch is stopped).

I have been working on making a timer in Blender, and I have finally figured out how to get one that keeps track of time using the timer property. However, I have been unable to figure out how to stop the timer in game after a specific event happens, so that you can show how long it took the player to beat the level/game. Does anyone know how to do this? I was thinking that there had to be a stop function of some sort, but if there is, it has thus far eluded me.


I looked at your new timer .blend file, and I understood everything you were doing. Using the information in that .blend file, I was able to adjust my own timer file and now it works perfectly! Thank you so much for all the help you have been. This will be a script that I will be using very often.

Looking to have a stopwatch for billing purposes for when doing certain types of work. Want to be able to access the timer features via my X-keys using ControllerMate (which means I can do it via keyboard shortcuts or via embedded AppleScripts, which is pretty cool).

In order to better organise my life and my time I have recently been keeping track of how my time is spent/how long certain activities take by using a multi-stopwatch app. Various tasks such as errands and chores are recorded on my android app, then manually entered into a Libreoffice spreadsheet.

If I were able to use a stopwatch function within Libreoffice itself, then I could skip the manual entering step by recording the data directly into a spreadsheet in Libreoffice Portable on my smart phone.

To sum up: I looking for a way to display a large clock on the QLab

computer, showing what time the show started and ended. If this

clockdisplay also could double as an ordinary MTC clock, i.e. a

stopwatch, that would be great for those times when you have to time

certain cues/scenes/etc. In SFX this was solved with the commands

called "start clock" & "stop clock", but I haven't found a similar

function in OLab. Any help in this matter is greatly appreciated.Best,


> To sum up: I looking for a way to display a large clock on the QLab

> computer, showing what time the show started and ended. If this

> clockdisplay also could double as an ordinary MTC clock, i.e. a

> stopwatch, that would be great for those times when you have to time

> certain cues/scenes/etc. In SFX this was solved with the commands

> called "start clock" & "stop clock", but I haven't found a similar

> function in OLab. Any help in this matter is greatly appreciated. ff782bc1db

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