Stop TV Licence
There are two ways to do it:
A. You can use their online form to make a Declaration which basically consents to them storing your information and they WILL pop up after 2 years to check if you are watching TV (as well as investigate you covertly over those 2 years); or
B. You could BAN THE MAN or Remove their Implied Rights of Access which stops them visiting forever AND send them a GDPR 17 notice to STOP them processing your information.
Both Removal of Implied Rights of Access
templates will permanently ban TV licence from your door!
The Legal Occupier
123 Any Street
Anytown AB123 CDE
All agents acting for and behalf of:
· TV Licensing, Bristol BS98 1TL
· Capita plc, 71 Victoria Street, London SW1H 0XA
By email and post to: Capita Chief Executive Email:
Dear Sir or Madam,
We are writing to inform you that we have removed your Implied Right of Access to the above property. If we find that you, or any other representative of the companies named above, have entered onto this property without our prior written permission, you will have committed a criminal offence of Aggravated Trespass and we can take your statement under caution in accordance with Sections 68 and 69 of theCriminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994.
We are taking this step because:
According to our records, we have informed you on several occasions via telephone, Internet and in person, that the Communications Act 2003 does not require us to purchase a TV Licence at the present time.
Under Section 2 of the Protection from Harassment Act 1997, it is a criminal offence of harassment to make demands for money in such a manner that it causes alarm, distress or intimidation. This is the case no matter what method you use to make contact – whether by telephone, email, letter or in person. Punishment on conviction is six months imprisonment and/or a level 5 fine of up to £5,000, plus legal costs.
We have tried to contact you about this but have received no reply.
The removal of your Implied Right of Access is the first step in our action to seek prosecution. Please be aware that should you or any other representative of your company set foot on the above property at any time, your statement can be used as evidence, along with any video and audio evidence obtained.
Aggravated Trespass is a summary offence that is heard in the magistrate’s courts and carries a maximum sentence of six months imprisonment. A charge of conspiracy to commit aggravated trespassalso carries a maximum six-month sentence, but it is an indictable offence, which means the case will be heard in front of a jury in the crown courts. We take this offence extremely seriously and have successfully prosecuted others for this same offence in the past.
We strongly advise that you act now to stop representatives of your company from entering onto the above property, as failure to do so may result in a criminal prosecution against your company and the individuals involved. You can avoid this easily by updating your records to show that a TV Licence is not required at the above address, and kindly informing your staff that they will be subject to criminal prosecution if they intrude onto the above property.
Yours faithfully,
The Legal Occupier
[Your address]
[Your postcode]
All agents acting for and behalf of:
· TV Licensing, Bristol BS98 1TL
· Capita plc, 71 Victoria Street, London SW1H 0XA
By email and post to: Capita Chief Executive Email:
Date: [insert date here]
Dear TVL,
I am aware from statements made in FOI responses and elsewhere that the BBC regards BBC/TV Licensing doorstepping as a consensual matter (for the Householder). I understand that this is your claimed exemption to the Right to Privacy under the Human Rights Act.
In addition, PACE Code C 3.22 states that the presence of a non-Police interviewer on one's property is a matter of "informed consent", and that a person being interviewed in such circumstances has the power to cease the interview and to require the Interviewer to leave the premises.
On this basis, I am permanently invoking the two rights above, from the date of this letter until further notice by me. As such, any BBC/TVL staff who attend my premises shall be deemed to be trespassing without further warning, and will be subject to removal (using reasonable force, if necessary). In addition, I will seek legal remedy for the civil tort of Trespass, including financial damages and ultimately an Injunction. There shall be no Interview under Caution on my premises. Any reports made by your staff of such an Interview taking place should be deemed by you to be fraudulent (and I understand that there are many previous reports of such misconduct by persons working for BBC/TV Licensing's contractor).
I am aware that BBC/TV Licensing has previously sought to limit Common Law bans from residential premises to a period of 2 years, although it has failed to state the legal basis for this. I understand the justification to be a speculative desire to be kept informed of changes in ownership or tenancy, however no such requirement is expressed in legislation and therefore does not exist. Please take notice that this ban (associated with my rights under the Human Rights Act and PACE) has no limit on its duration, there being no basis within Human Rights law or PACE for any limit on the duration of protected/legal rights. Any member of your staff attending my premises without the consents withheld here will be deemed trespassing, whether this attendance occurs before or after the date 2 years from this notice.
I appreciate that the Law gives BBC/TV Licensing other investigatory options, and in the event that you establish reasonable grounds for suspicion of Licence Evasion at my premises, you may contact me by post to inform me of the issue, provide contact details so that an Interview under Caution may take place and give details of the suspected offence. Since BBC/TV Licensing will remain banned from my premises, and since I have a Right to Counsel, the interview will take place at the offices of my Solicitor and BBC/TV Licensing will agree to meet all reasonable costs involved. In the unlikely event of a TV Licensing Warrant, please be aware that I will still wish to exercise my Right to Counsel during any Interview under Caution, and BBC/TV Licensing must facilitate this.
I also require you to Cease and Desist from sending your mass enforcement letters, since they are harassing, threatening, misleading and offensive. You may send one further letter to confirm that you have received these instructions and another in the event of evidence of evasion being established.
These instructions apply to England, Wales and Northern Ireland, based on English Law.
For and on behalf of all residents of this address.
If you make a declaration with the BBC, this could be used as EVIDENCE against you if they visit and discover that you are watching live TV. They could apply for a warrant to search the property if they can find proof that you are watching live TV. So if you are paying for a TV subscription like SKY or Virgin TV, this could also be used as evidence. You can send Capita and and TV company an SAR to see if they are sharing your personal data. Capita would need "probable cause" to apply for a warrant, so sending them a Notice of Removal of Implied Rights of Access stops them visiting the property to gather evidence.
The Notice is simply a Legal Notice to stop them visiting, it cannot be used as "probable cause" in any application for a warrant.
BBC relies on FEAR
For many years the TV Licence goons conned the British public by claiming they had TV Detector vans. Something we know know was a simple lie:
The BBC funds Pedophiles - fact
The BBC supports Terrorism
BBC Reported Building 7 falling over 20 minutes BEFORE it "collapsed"
"Lucky" Larry Silverstein says decision was made to "pull it"
In regard to the destruction of World Trade Centre building 7, "Lucky" Larry Silverstein, owner of the World Trade Centre claims the decision was made to "pull it" a demolition term. The problem with that is it takes months to wire up demolition charges to have this type of building demolished. The name "lucky" was attributed to Larry after he was paid DOUBLE the value on insurance because the building were attacked TWICE in relation to the 9/11 attacks. A policy that was only extended to cover Terrorism attacks two months before the actual attacks.
Chris Guy on TV Licence
Please follow this advice as it is 100% accurate. If you follow this advice you will be absolutely fine, if you deviate in any way then you are at risk of receiving a fine or attending court.
If you are currently paying for a tv licence I suggest you stop paying. Phone them up and let them no you no longer require a tv licence. Not only will this stop tv licence inspectors from visiting your property to find out why you’ve went from paying to not paying, you’ll also likely receive a refund as most people pay in advance.
The tv licence assumes that everyone requires a tv licence therefore if you were to just stop making payments they won’t think for a minute it is because you no longer actually require one, they’ll automatically assume that you simply can’t afford it or are struggling with payments. The inspectors will then be instructed to visit your property. You can always tell them where to go if they do appear but I know many people who feel uncomfortable dealing with them on their doorstep and would rather avoid this. Whether it be through embarrassment or intimidation or both, you don’t have to have this conversation with them.
When you contact them and tell them that you no longer require a tv licence they’ll remove you off their records for 2 years. This is the maximum length of time they say they can do this for. They’ll also send you a letter to confirm this. Shortly before your 2 years are up they will send you a further letter asking if your circumstances have changed. Simply tell them no and they’ll remove you off their list for another 2 years. If you fail to contact them they’ll start all the threatening nonsense again and will instruct an inspector to visit your property again. It’s literally a few mins phone call you’ll need to make and in my opinion well worth it to keep them off your back for a further 2 years. Throughout this entire process you don’t even need to give them your name and I suggest you don’t.
If you are receiving mail to your property from the tv licensing it’s because they assume everyone needs a licence. They’ll threaten you with all kinds of court and fines etc even when they don’t know your name. They’ll send you letters addressed to the present occupier. Simply phone them and advise them that you do not require a tv licence. They’ll ask you for your name but you just tell them you want to be known as the present occupier or legal occupier. If the letter contains your name and you no longer want any correspondence to contain your name you can simply tell them that you have just moved into the property and you do not require a tv licence. Again advise them to address you as the present occupier. You DO NOT have to give them your name in order to do so.
In the UK (apart from Scotland) you can also advise the tv licensing that you are removing their implied rights of access to visiting your property. In Scotland there are no trespassing laws therefore you are unable to do this which is why I find it easier to deal with them in the way described above.
I hear many people on here giving advice such as tell them you don’t watch BBC or you don’t watch live tv etc. To put it quite simply the BBC don’t care what you say. All you need is the capability of being able to receive live broadcasts and in the eyes of BBC and tv licensing you are required to pay for a licence. Just keep it simple and tell them you don’t require a tv licence as you only watch dvds or play video games and you have no equipment capable of receiving live broadcasts. You could also just say that you don’t have any tv/mobile phone/tablet device.
It’s really that simple. Here is a few basic and imperative rules that you just do not break at any point.
1. Never allow anyone from the tv licence into your property for any reason whatsoever.
2. Never sign any paperwork that they give you, regardless of what they tell you it is. It’s most likely a tvl178 form which will self incriminate you. This is the form that they then send to court and the court issues a fine.
3. Do not engage in any discussion with tv licence inspectors if they visit your property. If you follow the above steps of advising the tv licensing that you do not require a licence they will tell you that a tv licence Inspector may visit your property to confirm that no tv licence is required. Personally this has never happened to myself but if it ever does then refer to step 1 and simply refuse them any access to your property.
What authority do the tv licence inspectors have when they visit my property?
They have zero authority whatsoever. They have as much authority as the milkman, postman etc. They are basically sales agents who work for a company called Capita who are the collection agents for BBC. They earn £20 commission for each person they get to sign up on the doorstep or catch evading tv licence.
Do I have to let them into my property, they are threatening to phone the police if I do not co-operate?
Absolutely not, sometimes they will use these bullyboy tactics to get people to allow them to gain entry into your property. They like to intimidate the vulnerable, single mothers are the biggest targets for these bullies. The police would never be called out and even if they were, they would only ever be present to prevent a possible breach of the peace. Don’t threaten them as this will just give them an excuse to phone the police. Do not let them into your house under any circumstances.
Are there tv licence detector vans?
There are a limited amount of vans that drive around and they are called tv licence detector cans. Can they detect wether or not someone is receiving a live signal? Absolutely not. These are all part of the BBC propaganda. They are empty vans that drive around to install fear into non payers. Think about it, if there were tv licence detector vans then they wouldn’t have to employ people to go around knocking on people’s doors would they?
Are there hand held devices which can be used to point at my house to determine if I’m receiving a live signal?
No, there is not such a thing. There are hand held devices which the inspectors use. These are devices which pick up the location they are in and gives them a list of addresses which a) do not have a tv licence and b) have not told tv licensing that they do not require a tv licence. The inspector then goes to those doors and chances their luck to get some commission.
Will they not get information from Sky or Virgin that I watch live tv?
Absolutely not, this would be a serious breach of GDPR.
I have a sky dish connected to my house so is that not obvious that I’m watching tv and possibly live tv?
Having a sky dish proves nothing. Even if an inspector was to see your tv on through your window or hear noise coming from your tv, this is not sufficient evidence that you are watching live tv. They need to get inside your house to document all the evidence.
Will not paying for a tv licence have a negative affect my credit rating?
No, a tv licence is not a form of any credit.
You must need a tv licence because I know people who have received a fine and had to go to court etc so why were they taken to court?
Simply because they didn’t follow the few simple yet very important above steps. Remember one of the rules was not to sign any paperwork. If you’re daft enough to let them into your house then what they do is they collect evidence ie fate, time, what channel or programme you are watching, type of tv, sky or virgin box etc. They record this onto a tvl178 form and get you to sign it. By signing this, what you are basically doing is self incriminating yourself, you are admitting to breaching an apparent contract that exists between yourself and the tv licence. That’s how people end up receiving fines. Here’s an interesting stat for you, there has never been a single conviction or fine issued for anyone evading tv licence without the signed tvl178 form. Never ever sign any paperwork regardless of what they tell you it is as they are often know to lie.
I hope this helps, I have cancelled tv licence for over 200 people.
If people don’t follow the right steps. For example a girl in my work was fined through the courts and was annoyed as she said she followed my advice. I asked her what had happened and she told me she followed most of what I had told her however she felt as though she had to let them into her house as there were two men and that she was quite intimidated. My response was sorry but I can’t help you if you’re daft, I told you not to let them into your house. Don’t let nobody in and don’t sign any paperwork, how hard is that to follow.