ACT: Stop Gov. Snyder's Oil Tunnel Vision!

Gov. Snyder’s Mackinac Straits oil tunnel is no solution for the Great Lakes. This proposal leaves an aging, dangerous 65-year-old pipeline that faces multiple threats in place for up to 10 years while the state takes all the risk to build Enbridge a new oil tunnel through the heart of the Great Lakes.

This is not a solution for Michigan, but a solution for Enbridge to keep the Mackinac Straits at risk from their Line 5 oil pipelines and for Canada to get its oil processed using Michigan as a shortcut.

The appointed members of the Mackinac Bridge Authority Board will be called upon shortly to rubberstamp this deal. Michiganders have a special place in our hearts for the Great Lakes and the iconic Mackinac Bridge.

Let the members of the Mackinac Bridge Authority know we stand behind them to JUST SAY NO TO GOVERNOR SNYDER'S TUNNEL VISION!

Take a few minutes to contact the Mackinac Bridge Authority Board TODAY to urge them to reject Gov. Snyder's disastrous plan to turn them into the Straits of Mackinac Oil Pipeline Authority! There are three ways to get your message across:

      • Send an EMAIL to the Mackinac Bridge Authority by going to their "Contact" website here.
      • Send a POSTAL LETTER to the Mackinac Bridge Authority addressed to:

Mackinac Bridge Authority Board members

N 415 I-75

St. Ignace, Michigan 49781

Here are some points to consider in your email or letter, but you should share your own thoughts and concerns in your own words to be most effective:

  • The Mackinac Bridge Authority was never intended to authorize and run an oil tunnel for a massive, private Canadian corporation, Enbridge.
  • Our iconic Mackinac Bridge should not be compromised in a rush job to get this proposal approved without sufficient public input by the owners of the bridge, the people of Michigan.
  • There must be a complete and thorough environmental review finished, with public input, extensive expert input and review, before the Mackinac Bridge Authority should even consider committing to this proposal.
  • The financial, legal and environmental liability of the Mackinac Bridge Authority taking ownership of a petroleum pipeline under the Great Lakes must be fully and publicly vetted, with independent experts unaffiliated with Enbridge or the State conducting a totally objective review, before this proposal goes any farther.
  • The Mackinac Bridge is part of the unparalleled tourist draw of the Straits of Mackinac. Any tunnel proposed would take at least seven and likely many more years to be completed. The Gov's deal would guarantee that the existing damaged 65-year-old Line 5 oil pipeline would stay in place with an increasing likelihood of a devastating oild disaster. Line 5 poses a clear and growing threat to the baseline revenue the Mackinac Bridge Authority depends on, as well as the economic well-being of the communities along the Great Lakes shorelines for hundreds of miles around the Straits.

Thank you for speaking up for the Great Lakes!

Contact Allison Laplatt at to find out how you can help fight to shut down Enbridge Line 5.

Sierra Club Michigan Chapter, 109 E. Cesar Chavez Avenue, Lansing, MI 48906 Facebook: Sierra Club Michigan ChapterTwitter: @michigansierra