Stop Telford's arms fair 2024
A movement of resistance against the SDSC-UK arms fair
11am - 4pm see schedule
The arms trade needs to be resisted everywhere, so when it tries to set up shop in Telford we are here to say "No". We want to stop the SDSC-UK.
The UK is one of the biggest exporters of arms globally, including to repressive regimes and those suspected of violating international humanitarian law. It has sold billions of pounds worth of arms – including planes, bombs and missiles – to Saudi Arabia, despite the state waging a war in Yemen which has killed many civilians and created a humanitarian crisis. It is also a player in the current horrors in Palestine and Lebanon.
As well as the incalculable human cost of "bleeding edge technology", the weapons industry also squanders resources badly needed in our society and drives climate breakdown.
SDSC-UK left the 3 Counties Showground in Malvern and changed its name after widespread protest. They came to Telford International Centre in November 2023 instead. The organisers said they're planning to come back. We're here to make sure it never returns.