Color Gallop class links

The Color Gallop is one our most popular fundraising events among our students. It is a wonderful way for our community to come together and celebrate the beginning of a new year. A spirited and joyful competition to raise funds by class ahead of the big race builds excitement and brings the kiddos together. Keep a look out for more information coming home in your student's folders and on our social media pages. 

WE NEED VOLUNTEERS TO MAKE THIS EVENT SUCCESSFUL! Please consider signing up for a shift here. Please note - "NJHS" slots are held for National Junior Honor Society students to sign up. 


Below is what you need to know

What: Fun mile-run, with toxic-free, kid-friendly paint powder stations, color is gently tossed on runners. A great way for our Stonebridge community to come together, raise some $$, be active and celebrate.

Where: Stonebridge Elementary School

When: 2024-2025 dates coming soon!

What to Wear: Students can wear their Color Gallop t-shirts. Others can wear anything comfy, fun for working out and playing around. Feel free to jazz up your outfit with crazy colors, socks, tutus, whatever you want!  FYI - the color shouldn’t stain, but we can’t guarantee it won’t. Shoes and socks may get wet from the morning dew...and sunglasses for runners don’t hurt either! 

What to Do: Besides the fun run, there will be music, photo booth, crazy hair, and fun announcements about our fundraising efforts. Coffee, water, and fruit also provided. We also suggest you bring your own water bottles to cut down on waste! 

PLEASE NOTE: This is not a drop-off event, plan to stay and participate with or cheer on your students!

Specific Timeline:

8:50-9:00: Families and runners can begin arriving. Stop by the photo booth, spray on some color hair spray or glitter, grab a cup of coffee and get pumped up by the music. Be ready for a festive atmosphere!

9:15: First wave of runners - 3rd grade and older lineup in front

9:15-9:50: 3 laps is an “official “ finish but run as many laps as you want - join in when you can! 

9:50: Last “wave” of runners

10:00 Listen up for announcements of the school total and top classes!

10:15: Event concludes

Class Donations

Help us reach our goal of $19,000. 




1st Grade

1st Grade

1st Grade

2nd Grade

2nd Grade

2nd Grade

3rd Grade

3rd Grade

4th Grade

4th Grade

4th Grade

5th Grade

5th Grade

Thank you to our Sponsors!