
We are the Stoke branch of Young Life, a network of Christian youth groups across the UK. We exist for two reasons, which are summarised in our motto: "Reaching the Lost, Discipling the Found." This means we are here to encourage Christian young people in their teens and twenties to grow in their faith, deepen their relationship with Jesus, and introduce Him to their friends. We meet every Saturday evening, alternating each week between venues in Stoke and Crewe, and anybody from the age of 13 upwards is welcome to come along. Our regular meetings usually involve some fun activities related to the subject for the evening and some time spent looking at what the Bible has to say about it. We have speakers come from far and wide to share with us the truth from God's Word, the Bible, and encourage us to live it out. You can find out more about our regular meetings on the What's On page. Make sure you check out our Special Events page too, where you can find out about some of the other events which are coming up soon. On the calendar you will be able to see where we are each week, and you can email us if you would like more information about any of our activities.

What We Believe

Stoke YL exists because we believe in the message of the Bible, which, put simply, is this:

For a more detailed statement of faith please see this page. 

We also have a covenant of membership which all of our members agree to, but we welcome anyone to come to our meetings whether members or not.