Length-Constrained Expanders
A Tutorial Workshop at STOC'24

Why this workshop?

Graph decompositions, such as low-diameter and expander decompositions, are very powerful. They have applications in many settings of graph algorithms: sequential, parallel, distributed, dynamic, and streaming algorithms. They also give rise to simpler structures for approximating graphs such as spanners, hop-sets and shortcuts, oblivious routing, metric embeddings, vertex sparsifiers. 

Length-constrained expander decomposition is an emerging powerful generalization of both 

This significantly extends the range of applications of graph decomposition techniques.

Our workshop will give an intuitive introduction to various aspects of length-constrained expanders and explain their applications within the broader TCS community. No prior knowledge of expander-based algorithmics is expected.


Bernhard Haeupler (ETH Zurich & Carnegie Mellon University)

Thatchaphol Saranurak (University of Michigan) 


Day 1: Tuesday, June 25 2024, 9-11 am PT

Day 2: Wednesday, June 26 2024, 9-11 am PT

Day 3: Thursday, June 26 2024, 9-11 am PT


If you have listened to the talks and would like to learn more about some keywords, below is a summary of the list of papers related to those keywords.