Spectral Theory and Mathematical Physics

Santiago de Chile, 3 - 7 December 2018

Scale free unique continuation estimates with three applications

Ivan Veselic, TU Dortmund, Germany


I will present scale free unique continuation estimates for functions in the range of any compact spectral interval of a Schroedinger operator on generalized parallelepipeds. The latter could be cubes, halfspaces, octants, strips, slabs or the whole space. The sampling set is equidistributed. The unique continuation estimates are very precise with respect to the energy, the potential, the coarsenes scale, the radius defining the equidistributed set and actually optimal in some of these parameters. Such quantitative unique continuation estimates are sometimes called uncertainty relations or spectral inequalities, in particular in the control theory community.

These estimates have range of applications. I will present three. The first concerns lifting of edges of components of the essential spectrum, the second Wegner estimates for a variety of random potentials, and the last one control theory of the heat equation.

The talk is based on joint works with Nakic, Taeufer and Tautenhahn, and loosely related with works with Egidi and Seelmann.