St Mary's Adult Choir

The adult choir is a group of about 20 singers who maintain the bulk of the musical services at St Mary's.

In recognition of the fact that all our singers are busy people with many commitments, three basic options are available to members of the adult choir (though in practice people work out their own level of commitment).

  • A full member - the commitment here is to a Friday rehearsal each week, a sung Eucharist each Sunday morning and an evensong on the second and fourth Sundays of each month.
  • A full member but without evensong - a commitment to Friday evenings and Sunday mornings.
  • A member of the extended adult choir - This is the lowest level of commitment and involves only the two evensongs each month. Rehearsals for these take place before the services themselves and singers take responsibility for making sure they come along at least knowing the notes. (Evensong is musically very fulfilling- a full “cathedral” style service drawing on the very best music from the English choral tradition)

Regular timings are as follows:

  • Full rehearsals - Fridays, 7.00 - 8.00 p.m.
  • Eucharist - Sundays, 9.10 rehearsal for 9.30 a.m. service.
  • Evensong - Second and fourth Sundays, 5.00 rehearsal for 6.00 service