Annual Report

Each year in the Spring, we produce an annual report that looks at some of the highlights and achievements of the previous year.  For recent reports please click here.

Highlights for 2020


Highlights for 2019

• Joined in with the Parish Giving Scheme

• Repaired damage to the church building

• Saw the start of St Mary’s participation in the Calling Young Disciples project

• Received grants from the Diocese for a Children and Families Worker and a Communications Officer

• Received a grant from Worcester Diocesan Mothers’ Union for an outing for local families

• Saw the first children’s summer holiday club at St Mary’s

• Had a family summer trip to Cattle Country in Gloucestershire

• Was used as a case study by the Church of England for the use of WiFi in churches

• Improved its environmental credentials by switching to LED lighting in the hall and the chancel

• Submitted its first grant applications for the new building project

Highlights for 2018
