The history of the parish and our church

History home - The stained glass windows - The roundels and small windows

The roundels and small windows around St Mary Magdalene originated from St. James Pockthorpe.  When the windows there were re-glazed in the middle of the 20th century,  older glass was incorporated from the collection of the Norwich glazier Dennis King. Several of the roundels - including one that depicts the parable of the rich man and Lazarus - are 16th-century Flemish glass.

According to the page about St Mary Magdalene on the website Norfolk Stained Glass, the windows were removed from St James and then stored until at least 1977, before being installed at St Mary Magdalene. The work may have been done by G. King & Son, a local glazing firm.

The windows are all illustrated below. They depict: (i) Dives and Lazarus; (ii) an unidentified biblical scene; (iii) St James the Great; (iv) St Barbara; (v) St Lucy; (vi) - (ix) four scenes from the Passion; (x); St Mary Magdalene; (xi) St John; (xii) an unknown saint; (xiii) St Andrew; (xiv) St James the Great.

Click on an image in the gallery to see it in greater detail.

(i) The parable of the rich man and Lazarus the beggar, with dogs and servants at the rich man's feast (West window (left))

(ii) (West window (right))

(iii) St James, shown bearded and wearing a scallop shell (North window (left))

(iv) St Barbara, holding a castle (North window (middle))

(v)  St Lucy, with a dagger in her throat. Lucy committed her life to Christ and pledged to remain a virgin.  She was forced into prostitution and unharmed when her eyes were torn out and she was burned alive.  She was killed with a dagger. (North window (right))

(vi) The betrayal of Jesus: at the moment he is kissed by Judas Iscariot, who is shown holding his reward, while soldiers capture Jesus, and a disciple attacks  a soldier.  (South aisle (left window - top))

(vii) Jesus bearing his Cross - also depicted are Simon of Cyrene (assisting Jesus) and Veronica , with the image of Jesus on her cloth. (South aisle  (left window - left))

(viii)  Jesus being nailed to the Cross by his executioners, with a Roman officer looking on (South aisle  (left window - right))

(ix) The body of Jesus at the tomb, attended by mourners (South aisle  (left window - bottom))

(x) St Mary Magdalene in a rural setting, holding a crucifix and a bible (South aisle  (above left door))

(xi) St John the Evangelist, attended by an eagle (South aisle  (above right door))

(xii) An unknown saint attended by an angel (Inside the office (middle))

(xiii) St Andrew (Inside the office (left))

(xiv) St James the Great (Inside the office (right))

Further information