Monthly School E-newsletter 

March 2024

Highlights of the March 2024

From the Editor’s Desk

March: Students' Gateway to Recharge and Renewal

In March, nature heralds a fresh beginning,

A season of rejuvenation and inner spinning.

As winter's chill loosens its tight hold,

A symphony of renewal begins to unfold.

On this special month, the world awakens with zest,

A time for growth, renewal, and desires to achieve the best.


March, adorned with its flourishing blossoms and the gentle illumination of the skies, symbolizes a time for rejuvenation and the awakening of new possibilities. As March approaches, students eagerly anticipate the arrival of spring break—a well-deserved hiatus providing them with precious moments to unwind, refuel, and revitalize themselves following a month filled with academic pursuits.

 It offers a chance to step away from the rigors of academic life and indulge in activities that bring joy and relaxation. Whether it's a trip to a sunny destination, quality time spent with loved ones, or simply embracing leisurely pursuits at home, students eagerly embrace the opportunity to recharge themselves. Moreover, spring break provides students with an invaluable opportunity for self-reflection and personal growth. Away from the demands of their studies, they can take stock of their achievements, reassess their goals, and cultivate new interests.

 This period of introspection can be instrumental in fostering a sense of balance and clarity, empowering students to return to their studies with renewed focus and determination.

Additionally, spring break encourages students to explore new horizons and expand their perspectives. Whether through travel, cultural experiences, or engaging in hobbies and passions, students have the freedom to broaden their understanding of the world around them. These experiences not only enrich their lives but also contribute to their overall development as individuals.


In essence, the month of March represents more than just a pause in academic responsibilities—it's a time for students to prioritize their well-being, nurture their interests, and embrace the joys of life beyond the classroom. It's a chance to replenish their spirits, foster personal growth, and return to their studies with a renewed sense of purpose and enthusiasm.

Ms. Indrani Nayek , PRT ENGLISH 

Accolades and Achievements

Unveiling Excellence

Salwan Public School has achieved a prestigious position in the India's Best Schools 2024 rankings, securing an exceptional AAAA+ grade in the Day School (Co-educational) category for the academic year 2023-24. This remarkable recognition stems from a comprehensive evaluation conducted by Careers360, encompassing analysis of student academic achievements, faculty expertise, and infrastructure standards. Such an accolade reflects the school's unwavering commitment to academic excellence, highlighting its outstanding performance and dedication to provide top-tier education in a co-educational setting.

A Moment of Pride and Honour

Acknowledging Merit: Embracing Achievement at the Felicitation Ceremony

Salwan Public School, Gurugram, took great pride in honouring the achievements of students from Grades III-V on March 20, 2024, in a felicitation ceremony. This was followed by an equally splendid event recognizing the accomplishments of students from Grades VI-VIII on March 26, 2024, and Grades IX and X on March 27, 2024. During the felicitation ceremony, students received recognition for their accomplishments through various titles such as Mathematical Maverick, Salwan Ambassador of Goodwill, Prolific Wordsmith, and more. Each student has embarked on a personal voyage of growth and discovery, emerging with a rich tapestry of knowledge and enhanced abilities. Ms. Rashmi Malik, the school Principal, congratulated the students and discussed the implementation of the National Education Policy (NEP) within the school that has empowered each student with the skills of his/her interest. She further emphasized the importance of pursuing skill-based courses to attain holistic development.

A Glint of Appraisal

Praising Pedagogues: SCERT Haryana's Appreciation to Outstanding Educators

SCERT Haryana organized a prestigious ceremony in the third week of December 2023 to celebrate outstanding educators who demonstrated exceptional skills in a statewide teachers’ competition. The event took place on March 13, 2024, at the SCERT campus in Gurugram, to commemorate National Mathematics Day. Educators from Salwan Public School, Gurugram, stood out as exemplars of excellence across various categories. Ms. Indeep Kaur excelled in Comic Stories, while Dr. Sanjana Jaisinghani, Ms. Meenu Sharma, and Ms. Monika Thakur showcased remarkable brilliance in Mathematical Tasks. Additionally, Ms. Sushma Chandna, Ms. Indeep, and Ms. Deeksha captivated audiences with their skills in the Games category. Their outstanding submissions earned them top honours, each receiving a cash prize of 4000/- along with commendatory certificate.

Celebrating Excellence in Teaching by SCERT Haryana

Embracing the Tide of Change: Reflections on the Water Warrior Ceremony

Salwan Public School, Gurugram participated in ‘The Water Warrior Certification Ceremony’ hosted by Jal Itihass at the prestigious C D Deshmukh Auditorium in New Delhi on March 22, 2024. The event centered around addressing India's water scarcity issue, emphasizing the vital role of youth in combating this challenge. Students from Class VII, along with teachers, attended the ceremony.They were engaged in presentations and interactive activities like the Word Wall Activity, River Stories & River Corner, which deepened their understanding of the importance of water and the challenges posed by its scarcity, notably highlighted by the situation in Bengaluru. The event also discussed practical measures to tackle water scarcity, such as incorporating water conservation into the curriculum and promoting awareness through articles and online research. Furthermore, internship opportunities during the summer break were highlighted and interested students received brochures for further exploration. The participants were awarded with BLUE SCHOOL Certificate as recognition for their involvement and commitment.

Highlights from the Water Warrior Ceremony

Brushstrokes of Insight

Varnika Jain, a creative Grade XII student of Grade XII from SPS, Gurugram, has accomplished an extraordinary milestone with her Visual Art skills. Her art work has been selected as the focal point for the cover of the NPSC-UNIC Calendar 2024. Her artwork delves deeply into the profound theme of 'Exploring the Complexities of the Human Mind through Art.'

Sporting sports: Unleashing the potential.

Events & Celebrations 

SET Showdown: The Friendly Face-off

“Sports allow us to escape from life’s pressures and find solace on the field or court.”- John Isner


On March 21, 2024, our school organized an Inter-School Volleyball and Table Tennis Showcase, bringing together students from all Salwan Schools. These engaging events serve as platforms not only to celebrate athleticism but also to cultivate a sense of unity and belonging among participants. By emphasizing the importance of sportsmanship and teamwork, the event aimed to inspire students to strive for excellence while upholding values of fair play and mutual respect. Through spirited competition and collaborative spirit, the showcase provided an opportunity for students to forge lasting friendships and memories, fostering a vibrant culture of inclusivity and cooperation within the SET community.

Embrace the Sportsman Spirit: SET Schools  Sportman Extravaganza

 Transformational Journey with Sister Shivani's session on 'Feel-Full-Fly' 

 “Resilience is your personal power, your inner strength that allows you to rise above difficult circumstances and bounce back stronger than before the challenge!”- BK Sister Shivani


Salwan Public School, Gurugram, in collaboration with Brahma Kumaris, hosted an interactive session titled 'Feel-Full-Fly' with  Sister Shivani on March 3, 2024. This enriching event was open to all, with the purpose of elevating spirits and sparking inspiration, offering attendees profound insights into attaining emotional fulfillment and ascending to new pinnacles in life. Participants were urged to embark on a journey of self-exploration and empowerment, guided by Sister Shivani's profound wisdom. Through dialogues and actionable methodologies, the session cultivated a deeper comprehension of inner tranquility, fortitude, and personal evolution. Attendees departed with feeling of enrichment and contentment, armed with strategies to gracefully and positively navigate life's trials.

A Glimpse of Immersive shots from Sister Shivani’s session

No Bag Day Delight!

"Leave nothing but footprints, take nothing but memories." - Chief Seattle


Salwan Public School, Gurugram introduced a series of 'No Bag Day' events in accordance with the National Education Policy (NEP) for students of Grades III-V, held from March 12th to 15th, 2024. The educators at SPS, Gurugram, skillfully planned  activities tailored to the specific interests and needs of  students. These thoughtfully designed interventions included skill enhancement training like tie and dye techniques, preparing dishes without cooking, and engaging in sports activities that students enjoyed. The primary objective of these initiatives was to alleviate the burden of carrying heavy bags and textbooks, thereby improving students' physical comfort, organizational abilities, and social interactions while fostering a positive and supportive learning atmosphere.

A Chain of Gala Moments

Grandparents' Day: An Ode to Family Roots

“Grandparents can be very special resources. Just being close to them reassures a child, without words, about change and continuity, about what went before and what will come after.”-Fred Rogers


Grandparents' Day at Salwan Public School, Gurugram, was a heartwarming tribute to honor the virtues of grandparents and celebrate their spontaneous affection and positive influence on the younger generation. On March 14, 2024, students of Mont I  joyfully welcomed their grandparents to share in this special bond with them. The programme began with the ceremonial lighting of the lamp, followed by heartfelt gratitude expressed by our school Principal, Ms. Rashmi Malik for the invaluable role that grandparents play in fostering strong family bonds across generations. The young Salwanians conveyed their love and admiration through enchanting dance and yoga performances. The day was filled with joyous games and a delightful ramp walk featuring both grandparents and grandchildren, creating cherished memories. The celebration culminated with the distribution of token of gratitude to the game winners and a meaningful feedback session led by the grandparents, enhancing the spirit of togetherness and appreciation.

Cherishing Generations: Celebrating Grandparents' Day with Love, Laughter, and Legacy

Vibrant Visions with Holi

“Holi is a festival of colours, and it is a significant day in our lives. It signifies the victory of good over evil, the coming of spring, and the end of winter.”- Rabindranath Tagore


The vivacious and vibrant festival of Holi celebrated within the premises of Salwan Public School, Gurugram on the March23, 2024, infusing the atmosphere with an explosion of colours and boundless joy. With an air of excitement and anticipation, the staff of SPS,Gurugram embraced the festivities, welcoming the arrival of spring, the season of hope and renewal.  Holi, with its myriad of colours, serves as a powerful reminder of the beauty of life and the importance of embracing every moment with exuberance and enthusiasm. The essence of Holi was beautifully captured through enthralling performances of song and dance, filling the air with melodious tunes and rhythmic beats. The symbolic shower of flowers added an ethereal touch to the festivities, symbolizing the blossoming of new beginnings and the abundance of life.

Harmonizing Hues: Celebrating Holi with Melodies

Diverse Talents Unveiled: A Showcase of Student Ingenuity and Collaboration

SPS, Gurugram witnessed a remarkable collaboration among its diverse activity clubs—STEAM Innovation, Culinary, Mathematics, and more—during the "Diverse Talents Unveiled" exhibition held within the school premises. The event was a vibrant display of students' multifaceted abilities across various domains. It not only celebrated their wide-ranging interests and talents but also promoted collaboration and mutual respect among them. Through this exhibition, the significance of extracurricular activities in nurturing well-rounded individuals within the school community was observed. Students showcased their innovation with the help of interdisciplinary prototypes to make life more meaningful and valuable.

The Art of Collaboration: Uniting Student Talents Across Clubs

Special Assemblies 

Assembly on the Power of Friendship

“Friendship is a plant of slow growth and must undergo and withstand the shocks of adversity before it is entitled to the appellation.”-George Washington


On the day of March 14, 2023, the vibrant Class II-F at Salwan Public School, Gurugram, took center stage to host a special assembly dedicated to the “Power of Friendship”. Through captivating performances, heartfelt speeches, and interactive activities, students illuminated the profound impact of genuine camaraderie on our lives. With enthusiasm and creativity, they showcased the importance of empathy, kindness, and mutual support in nurturing strong and lasting friendships. The assembly served as a reminder to cherish these bonds and cultivate an inclusive and supportive community within the school and beyond.

Friendship's Strength: Celebrating Bonds that Endure

Workshops and Training Sessions

Orientation Programme for Montessori and Grade I-IX

 "Productive collaborations between family and school demand recognition of each other’s participation in the child’s life. Roles and relationships with children should be comprehensive, dynamic, and differentiated."-Sara Lawrence-Lightfoot


SPS, Gurugram, organized orientation sessions on March 21st for Montessori and March 28th for Grades I-IX to familiarize new parents with the educational approach of the school. The sessions were divided into four slots across the two days. The program began with a ceremonial lamp lighting followed by a comprehensive presentation on the curriculum designing, teaching methods, extracurricular activities, and school guidelines by the respective Coordinators. Ms. Rashmi Malik, the Principal, addressed the attendees and conducted session on effective parenting. Parents were apprised about code of conduct, rules and regulations and an array of facilities available on campus for the students. A help desk was set up to handle transport, accounts and mid-day meal queries. The orientation aimed to foster a unified educational approach, helping parents identify suitable strategies to enhance their children's learning experiences.

Extending a Warm Welcome to Our Newest Members

Exploring Artistic Depths: Raghu Rai's Exhibition Experience

On March 23, 2024, Dr. Deepti Jain and Dr. Pampa, the mentors from Art Dept. visited to the Kiran Nadar Museum of Art in Saket. The objective was to immerse themselves in Raghu Rai's captivating photography exhibition and gain valuable insights into the art of print-making. Against the museum's elegant backdrop, Rai's photographic collection unfurled with a brilliant showcase of his artistic vision and narrative prowess. The exhibition vividly demonstrated the transformative power of photography as a medium of storytelling, highlighting Rai's esteemed status as one of India's foremost photographers. Furthermore, a print-making workshop was conducted for the participating art educators, fostering an environment of lively inquiry and dialogue.

An Artistic Encounter


Rediscovering culture and heritage: A  Trip to Red Fort

“The best education you will ever get is travelling. Nothing teaches you more than exploring the world and accumulating experiences.” - Mark Patterson


An engaging excursion was organised to visit The Red Fort, featuring a guided heritage walk designed specifically for students in Grade VI-VII. This enriching event took place on March 15th and 16th, 2024, with 85 students accompanied by 6 facilitators exploring the historic site. The expedition coincided with the Art Biennale 2024, providing students with immersive experiences that fostered a deep appreciation for the iconic structure, artistic expressions, and cultural heritage. Through curated exploration and interactive pedagogy, students gained profound insights into history and culture, developed an appreciation for architecture, established personal connections, and experienced educational enrichment, inspiration, and community engagement. These experiences are anticipated to leave a lasting impression that extends well beyond the conclusion of the outing, fostering enduring interests among the students involved.

Capturing Memories: A Glimpse of Our Unforgettable Journey

Exuberant Expressions

March- The Season of Rebirth

March arrives with the feeling of warm and new,

With flowers popping up from the ground,

Golden hues all around, birds chirp loud,

It's like a whole new world is found.

March brings smells that are so nice,

Everything smells fresh, it's like paradise.

Flowers bloom and fill the air,

The light and pleasant breeze feels fair.

It is the period marked with growth and rebirth,

March brings joy and happiness all around the Earth.

                                                                       - Ayantik Nayek VIII

Chandrayan 3

In the cosmic dance of night so deep,

Chandrayaan 3, in silence, does creep.

Its mission, a celestial dream to chase,

Exploring the Moon, in boundless space.


With lunar whispers, it takes its flight,

Through the velvet darkness, a beacon of light.

A sequel to missions that came before,

To unravel mysteries, to explore and soar.


Its journey begins on Earth's own shore,

A rocket's roar, a thunderous, mighty roar.

Propelling upward, breaking the tether,

Chandrayaan 3, bound for lunar weather.


Past the stars, through cosmic haze,

Guided by science, in a lunar daze.

A lander descends, a rover to roam,

On the Moon's surface, it finds its home.


In the cratered expanse, a world unknown,

Chandrayaan 3's legacy has grown.

It seeks the secrets that lie beneath,

The Moon's ancient tales it will unsheathe.


With instruments keen and sensors bright,

It scans the surface, both day and night.

Mapping the topography, studying the soil,

Unlocking lunar history, layer by coil.


As Earth gazes up at the lunar sphere,

Chandrayaan 3 whispers secrets clear.

Of a world untouched, in the cosmic sea,

A testament to human curiosity.


So, in the night sky, it silently glides,

A symbol of progress, with boundless tides.

Chandrayaan 3, a celestial ballet,

Dancing with the Moon in a cosmic display.

                                                              Nairanjana Radhika, V-D

Art Expressions

Shiuli Sinha IV

Varnika Jain XII

Tanishqa X

Oshi Jain XII 

School in Media