The solution is to read the STM chip's model number (something like STM32F103C8T6) then look inside the stm32f10x.h file and select your MCU, which probably involves uncommenting a define line. If you can't figure out what types of options there are, try reading the datasheet for the MCU you have as it specifies everything about it.

One final question. In the earlier entries in the thread, there was a concern that the use of specific timers would affect the operation of various pins when analogWrite was being used. Is this still a concern, or has the library found a way to allow the timers to operate in a manner that will not mess up the analog output pins.

Stm32f10x Lib.h Library Download

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Hi I have problem to use this library to check wifi status and reconnect if needed. The problem is with Network.connect() function - when executing it then timerlibrary dies and nothing prints out to Serial. building my code with: make DEBUG_BUILD=y

Here is my code:

Hi @peekay123, I am needing some clarification on the usage of this library. When this library is being used, does it take over all interrupt functions for the core or can I also use attachInterrupt() as well?

@techbutler, crap!! I re-read the error and I believe it has nothing to do with the SparkIntervalTimer library. You use zero_cross_detect() in setup() BEFORE you declare that function. So either add the function prototype:

No, it installs library with the same name but for mbed framework only. After that ldf complains that it is for incompatible framework.

Framework incompatible library /home/oskar/PlatformIO/Projects/STM32-Oscilloscope_1/.piolibdeps/RTclock_ID4569

The previous is one of the 76 errors that the compiler gave me on definitions. I have the ST document about how to migrate projects from the old library to the newest one and the say that those definitions are for legacy projects in stm32f10x.h which I verified is true so I included in the file with the definition problem by doing this

Previous to ask this question I tried to copy those definitions inside the header of the file with definition problems, after compiled it then said that there are several definitions of the same type and gives me a warning or an error (I don't remember), to me this means that the compiler is seeing the file stm32f10x.h but for some unknown reason is not getting the definitions to make it work.

The real reason of all this problem was that by the moment I didn't install the library for the specific part thorugh the pack installer then the Manage Run-time environment, after that I had to fight some more but right now is isn't giving me errors.

The fist step is creating a skeleton project where we'll put HAL library from ST. So, start Eclipse and go to File->New->C Project and select "Hello World ARM Cortex-M C/C++ project. You can choose the project name you want (I chose test1). Click on Next.

- i use startup_stm32f103xe.s as startup code for my STM32F401REY6, but i don't know if it match, i also tried tried to use startup_stm32f10x_hd.s ( => .S) that i found in a INEMOEngineM1LI3 file i received on request from ST ( but i have 2 of them, one in a file "iar" and one in a file "keil", and both have lines begining by ";" => errors)

STMicroelectronics provides STM32 standard peripheral library which contains APIs to work with STM32 microcontrollers. I used version 3.5.0. The library can be downloaded here. Another option is to use STM32Cube which seems to be recommended by STMicroelectronics.

The errors would seem to indicate that FreeRTOS\Source\portable\GCC\ARM_CM3\port.c is not being compiled into the library correctly. Can you use binutils to dump the contents of app.a to see if they are in there?

With the hardware portion figured out, I looked around for software. ST has a standard peripherals library (more on that later), but I found it a little overwhelming and eventually settled on this GIT project which had simply ripped the GPIO toggle project out of the standard peripheral library and configured it to work on its own. The STM32F4 Discovery has its own built-in ST-link programmer, and using a few guides I found online like this one, I was well on my way. I even found an example Makefile that had some compile options at the bottom that allowed me to program my device by using the command "make openocd" and connect the debugger using "make gdb" in another window.

I downloaded the library from here and unzipped it. This library contains code for the entire assortment of STM32F10x parts. Inside the Project/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Examples/GPIO folder, I found the familiar IOToggle project in its original form which included a few source files and a readme recommending I "Copy all source files to the template folder under Project/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Template". The template folder had a few files for various toolchains, but I didn't see anything that looked familiar.

The solution I used involved copying the new files to my Discovery template and replacing their counterparts. The project folder contains three sub-folders. "src" contains all of the .c files, "inc" holds all of the .h files, and "lib" has the peripheral library files. The lib folder has its own Makefile and compiles the special processor-specific functions separately from the main application code. If the main Makefile and the lib Makefile are configured correctly, this all happens automatically, and the compiler knows when to drag these special functions into the code that gets programmed to the part.

Of course, this didn't compile on the first try. I had to modify all references to the F407 in my source code as well as the configuration of openocd. I also got some errors when compiling telling me that the library needed to be configured for my specific part. I needed to uncomment some lines in the file stm32f10x.h to let the library know that I was using a "connectivity line" device (more info in AN2557).

This all started working after my second attempt of going through it. I was happy to find that the library is incredibly well organized, and if you do a few things correctly, it tends to just work. There are a lot of specific details that I'm leaving out, so if you'd like to know more, I recommend downloading my project files and poking around. The Makefiles have a bunch of settings that I honestly don't 100% understand at this point, and there were a few small tweaks I needed to perform to the library to set things like my processor speed. I can say that the library is well commented, and I usually didn't need to look any further than a header file to figure out how to configure something.

The camera module is a JPEG camera meaning that it doesn't spit out data pixel by pixel. Instead, an onboard FPGA compresses the entire image to JPEG format and transmits that over serial. Since I'm just getting used to dealing with file systems, I was surprised to find that simply saving the raw data transmitted over serial to a file and giving that file the .jpg extension is all you need to do to create a JPEG file. In fact, the included Arduino library does exactly that as an Arduino is not powerful enough to decompress a JPEG in any reasonable amount of time.

With this done, we create an object of the ST7735 library which will be used to reference the display all through the entire project. We also indicate the pin of the STM32 to which the pushbutton is connected and create a variable to hold its state.

You might also notice that the compiled program is much larger with printf included (1-2KB vs. 24-28KB at the time of writing). Standard library functions can pull in a lot of extra code, but it would be annoying, time-consuming, and error-prone to write your own comprehensive print function with formatting. Life is full of tradeoffs.

B. For Standard Peripheral Library (SPL):

If you want to use SPL, the select the required peripheral library components as required. Note that some components have dependencies as well, so you will also need to include dependent components. For. E.g. GPIO needs RCC to enable clocks.


When testing the CANnucle_Hello demo with various combination of boards I noticed that the CAN bus frequency of STM32F103C8T6 board was incompatible with the other mbed boards. (The demo worked fine with two STM32F103C8T6 boards. However it failed when an STM32F103C8T6 was trying to communicate with other type of mbed board.) This was caused by incorrect STM32F103C8T6 system clock frequency. The bug has been fixed and the latest revision of the CANnucle_Hello demo should work correctly. However, please remember to switch the revision of mbed library in your project back to 127 or earlier.

I'm sorry for the inconvenience. With best regards,


I have tested the demo again on a NUCLEO-F103RB using the current revision (137) of mbed 2 library. Unfortunately with no success. If you need to run CAN bus on a NUCLEO-F103RB board then you can give the CANnucle_Hello demo a try. But please remember to switch the revision of mbed library in your project back to 127 or earlier replace the mbed library with the mbed-dev library in your project.

Some time ago I developed my own USART library for STM32, and it turned out to be very effective. So, I've decided to share it with you. I hope you'll also find it very useful ? In this article I'll describe the USART library and some of its features and give an example of using it in real project.

All library settings are located in header file, so, let's open it in editor and analyze... The first and the most important point of configuration is selecting the USART unit which we would like to use in our project:

The default baudrate is set to 9600 b/s. While testing the library I tried different values from 4800 to 115200 b/s and it worked fine. Now, let's proceed to the source file MT_STM32F4xx_USART.c. All the functions needed for USART working are exactly located here. The first is initialization function: 2351a5e196

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