
Week Four

Working on Bikes in Schools and I'm hopefully improving my data collection skills.

Skills gained

*Taking blood finger prick samples (Novice, I feel confident that I would recall the steps to complete again. )

*Reading glucose levels and aligning my reading with evidence

*Data gathering

*Observation skills

Week Three

I don't know what I don't know is something which frequently pops up in my mind. What should I be learning, observing? Why? How can I take these skills back into the classroom?

Skills gained

*Measuring blood pressure SBP and DBP (Novice, I know I will require further practice. )

*Data gathering

*Observation skills

Week One & Two

Learning is hard work! Often being at the front of my flipped classroom facilitating the learning of my students. I forgot how much hard work it is to relinquish control and be the student. To immerse myself in the role of the student... Opening up my curious mind to the possibilities... What If? Can I? How do I? Where can I? A lot of self reflection ahead

In the world of science, there are suddenly lots of new words, acronyms and jargon that is somewhat unfamiliar to me. Almost starting over. fantastic opportunities to chat to Scientists during the symposiums and ask what are the questions that are concerning them for the future of Science.

Skills gained

*Measuring height / weight and BMI accurately

*Data gathering

*Observation skills

Skills to develop

*Testing - How to test fairly and accurately. Are conditions the exact for every test? What are the controlled elements? What are the variables?

*Questioning - What is a relevant question? If I no longer hold the answer, where do I find the answer?

*Thinking - Is hard work and should be given adequate time to think, what am I learning? How can I use that in my role?

*Reflecting - Self reflection is very important, reflection on the days journey.