
Hosted by St. Leo the Great Church


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Discover Christ

Discovering Christ is a seven-week experience where anyone and everyone, from the baptized in the pews to the unbaptized, is invited to hear the Good News and personally encounter Jesus Christ. Discovering Christ helps people enter into or renew a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, experience the love of God the Father, and be empowered by the Holy Spirit to live as God’s children.

Sessions begin January 9, 2023

6:15 - 8:45 PM

Location: St. Leo's Church

Length: Seven weekly Monday sessions, with a 1-day weekend retreat after week 5

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What is the evening like?

The weekly sessions include four components: 

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What is after Discovering Christ?

The ChristLife evangelization process is a proven method of igniting the new evangelization by providing a relational context to begin to make missionary disciples at the parish level. ChristLife helps parishes make missionary disciples by helping people discover Jesus Christ personally, follow Him in their daily lives as Catholic disciples, and share Him with others.

ChristLife is designed to be repeated and become the "core curriculum" for evangelizing and forming adults as missionary disciples. Once a person discovers Jesus, begins to follow Him, and learns to share Him, they want to invite more people on a life-changing adventure with Jesus Christ!

There are three essential steps: Discovering, Following, and Sharing.

The second 7-week session of Following Christ will start in later spring of 2023. 

The third 7-week session is Sharing Christ. This session will start in the Fall, 2023.

We all know people in our lives, communities, and even parishes who wonder about the meaning of life. God gives us the responsibility to open doors and provide spaces of encounter with the personal love of our Lord Jesus for people who are searching for the meaning of life. Discovering Christ creates this open door for anyone who is searching for the meaning of their lives and provides an opportunity to share the Good News and the personal love of Jesus Christ.