St. Joseph the Worker Parish 


The Goal of the Diocese

“That each parish in the Archdiocese of Saint Boniface have an active Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) focused on the particular needs of the parish and its Mission and Vision. It is increasingly clear that in a parish, the two key sources and prime movers are the Pastors and the Parish Pastoral Council.”  

~ Archbishop A. LeGatt

"In short, parishes are strongly encouraged to move from maintaining the status quo to becoming active missionary parishes striving for integral growth...The efforts of all parishioners towards the Renewal and Growth of a Parish Pastoral Councils can help in doing this."  

~ Archbishop A. LeGatt

The Goal for St. Joseph the Worker

To form a new Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) so as to ensure our parishes’ continued spiritual

renewal and growth journey.

Survey Weekend... What is it?

The parish will hold a Seven-Week Campaign starting April 27th providing information about Survey Weekend. Each week an announcement will be made at mass and in the bulletin about the Survey. The survey will give parishioners the opportunity to share their thoughts on how we can best serve the Lord in our parish.

Why a Survey?

A Parish survey ensures that all parishioners have the opportunity to express: 


How will the Survey achieve this?

Having a parish-wide survey ensures every voice is heard. The feedback gathered from the Survey will indicate the needs and wishes of the parishioners which will then be prioritized.

These priorities will be addressed once the PPC is formed.

What is the Parish Pastoral Council (PPC)?

A PPC is a consultative, faith-filled group of parishioners who work in co-

responsibility with the Parish Priest on Pastoral issues. The PPC is representative

of and speaks on behalf of the faithful of the parish. It discerns the needs of all

the members of the parish community and offers the Pastor insights and wisdom

toward effective Pastoral planning. The functions of the PPC include:

Who is in the PPC?

Our parish does not have a PPC yet. A temporary Ad Hoc Committee has been created to implement the Survey Weekend endeavour. This committee is made up of parishioners of St. Joseph the Worker Church.

After the survey, our PPC will be formed and the council's efforts will be directed towards the identified priorities from your feedback.