July 14, 2024

A reminder to all volunteers:  if you are interested in becoming a volunteer with St. Joseph Parish, please contact the parish office at 780-396-0228 to learn more about our Safe Parish screening requirements and to receive a Volunteer Package.  

Kindly refrain from volunteering until your Safe Parish requirements are completed.   Thank you for your time, talent and treasure!   

For more information visit Developing a Safe Parish Community


Cash Raffle poster1 2024.pdf
New Summer Hours 2024.pdf

Special Collections

Needs of the Church in Canada          26th Sunday in Ordinary Time               September 29

"The collection helps each diocese make its annual contribution to the national episcopal conference & to the respective regional episcopal assembly. any additional funds are at the disposal of the diocese for its own pastoral needs."

World Mission Sunday                        29th Sunday in Ordinary Time                      October 20

"Funds collected assist some 1,250 mission dioceses under the responsibility of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples. As agreed by the Holy See and the Bishops of Canada, a portion of the Canadian contributions assists 6 mission dioceses in Northern Canada"

Youth Ministries/Camp St. Louis & Youth Camp for Fort McMurray/ Vocations

2nd Sunday in November    -    November 10

Supports youth events such as Triumph in the Cross, Theology on tap, WYD and Youth Camps within the Diocese distributed at the Bishop's discretion.