
The parish Religious Education Program is designed to assist parents in their responsibility of forming their children in the Catholic faith into which they hae been baptized.  The parish, in cooperation with the parents, seeks to form the children through prayer, instruction, service and attendance at Sunday Mass.  It is our privilege to be part of he faith formation of your children.

The Religious Education Office is open Monday through Thursday from 9:30 am to 5:00 pm.  We are located at 450 Frankin Avenue, Garden City, NY.  Our phone number is 516-741-7787.

Classes for 2024-2025 will begin as follows:

Thursday Grades 1-5 October 17, 2024

Monday, Grades 6 & 7 October 21st

Tuesday, Grades 1-5 October 22nd

Wednesday, Grades 1-5 and Grade 8 October 23rd

Welcome to the 2023/2004 Religious Ed Year:  

Dear Families,

May God continue to bless us with His grace and peace.

It is wonderful to welcome back all our students and their families to the St. Joseph Parish Religious Education Program.

Mrs. Catherine O'Sullivan, Coordinator of Religious Education

Welcome to Our Program

We, in the Religious Education Program are honored to have a role in your child’s precious journey toward a deep and life-long relationship with Jesus.  

 We offer Religious Education classes beginning in Grade 1 and continuing through Grade 8.  In conjunction with our classes, we also assist parents in preparing their children to receive the sacraments of Penance and First Eucharist in Grade 2 and the sacrament of Confirmation in Grade 9.

Please call the Religious Education Office for more details.  We look forward to working with you in spreading the Word of God to our young people.

Class Schedule

Contact Us 

Mrs. Catherine O'Sullivan, Coordinator of Religious Education 


Mrs. Tina Cento, Administrator
