Rev. John Krueger - Interim Pastor

Rev. Krueger took over on July 1, 2023 upon the retirement of long time Pastor James Reiff.   He is a retired pastor and a member of our congregation.  He will assume all pastoral duties until a replacement accepts our call.

Barb Leichtfuss - Secretary

I have been a member of St. John’s since my marriage to Robert in 1976. I have played organ, piano and accompanied the choir. About 6 years ago I became the church secretary. I work part-time at church and part-time as an RN. Looking forward to retirement!

Steve Bauer - President

Diann Weich - Prayer Chain

A church or community member calls the prayer chain number with a request to pray for someone (it does not have to be a member of our church we pray for) and I call the first lady on the list. That lady passes it on and on until the last lady calls me that it has been completed. We just pass on the name of the person and a short thing of what we are praying for.

Jorden Juckem - Sunday School Superintendent