
Dr. Gary E. Stinchcomb 

Assistant Professor, Johnson Hall, Room 235, Department of Earth Sciences, University of Memphis

ph: 901-678-5223

email: gstnchcm (at) memphis (dot) edu

Current lab members

Narayan Adhikari

Ph.D., 2024, Earth Sciences, University of Memphis;  Advisor: Dr. Randy Cox

Research Assistant, Methane cycling in bald cypress (DoE,  DE-SC0022228)

Mei Cowle

B.S., in progress, Environmental Sciences, Rhodes College

Research Assistant

Research: Dendrochemical response of Taxodium distichum (bald cypress) to the New Madrid 1811-1812 earthquake

Israel Collins

Current, B.S., in progress, Earth Sciences, University of Memphis

Research Assistant, Methane cycling in bald cypress (DoE, DE-SC0022228)

Research: Dendrochemical response of Taxodium distichum (bald cypress) to the New Madrid 1811-1812 earthquake

Lab alumni

Jarred Asselta

Ph.D., in progress, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Minnesota

B.S., Chemistry & Earth and Environmental Sciences, 2022, Murray State University

Honor's Thesis: Reconstructing the past environments of the K-Pg boundary in western KY, USA

Marie White

Ph.D., in progress, Texas State University

M.S. 2022, Earth Sciences, University of Memphis

B.S. Earth and Environmental Sciences, 2020, Murray State University 

Senior Thesis: Fossil soil variability during the Late Pleistocene and Holocene at Gona, Afar, Ethiopia.

Lance Stewart

Current: Watershed Representative, Tennessee Valley Authority

M.S. Watershed Studies, 2020, Paleofloods and landform development influence carbon storage in a humid-subtropical river valley

B.S. Geosciences, 2017 McNair Scholar Research: Microscopic analysis of quartz grains used in OSL dating

Ben Ferguson

Current: Senior Research Specialist, Oklahoma State University.

M.S. Watershed Studies, 2018, The effect of alluvial landscape position on soil organic carbon in the Clarks River Valley, Western, KY USA 

B.S. Geosciences, 2015, Senior research project: Topographic controls on organic matter degradation using soil micromorphology)