Team Members


Piloticle is an nr2003 content creator, well known for his top-notch soundpack called "Petty's V8". Coming into making the next gen soundpack, I could not find much info on how exactly to make a soundpack. He guided me through the entire process, which allowed me to learn, and now possibly teach newcomers.

Link to his Stunod Racing page -

Fireball Talks NASCAR

Fireball Talks NASCAR is a YouTube content creator for iRacing, NR2003, general sim-racing, and real world motorsport. He makes some of the best NASCAR content out there, with whole documentaries based on sim-racing reaching half hour marks. Thanks to him, I was able to have all the material necessary for the next gen soundpack project.

Link to his YouTube channel -

NR2003 Truck Group

We are dedicated to making sure every scheme from the 2022 Camping World Truck Series makes it into NR2003

Painters Include - itsawesome, BryceO, LucasPugh07, Logan7, at01, DavidLivez, Br1sc4e, KP1, Rishabh, and me.