The revolver is one of the more unsteady weapons in the game. While its fire rate depends on how fast you can click, hitting shots is more dependent when firing slowly. It takes 3 shots to kill(2 for headshot) and has 6 bullets.

La Desert Eagle, o Deagle, es esencialmente una pistola de mayor potencia con ms retroceso pero ms dao. Es ms grande que una pistola normal, se necesitan 2 disparos para matar (1 de disparo en la cabeza) y tiene 15 balas.

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The Desert Eagle, or Deagle, is essentially a higher powered pistol with more recoil but more damage. It is larger than a normal pistol, takes 2 shots to kill (1 shot to the head) and has 15 rounds.God PistolDamage35 ( body shots )Rate Of FireHowever fast you can click (0.01)AmmunitionInfinite (99999)

The God Pistol is a very rare weapon that looks like a pistol but glowing yellow. It can be shot as fast as your mouse can click, when the bullets hit a surface they create a small explosion that can knock or even destroy the pistol in the wielder's hand if one of these explosions lands close to them. It takes 3 shots to kill and has infinite bullets.

The M-16 is a burst assault rifle, with a high rate of fire and a solid amount of ammunition. It has alright knock back and is really good for taking out people. It takes 4 shots to kill (shots not bursts)(3 for headshot) and has 90 bullets (30 3 bullet bursts)

The appears to look like a basic rifle. It can be fired quickly almost like an AK-47. Precise aim, medium damage and high accuracy makes this a good weapon for eliminating players from afar. It takes 3 shots to kill(2 for headshot) and has 8 bullets.

Although it has a low fire rate and has a small magazine, there is a laser sight mounted on it, so you can more easily see where you're aiming. It takes 2 shots to kill (1 for headshot) and has 5 bullets.

The shotgun fires highly inaccurately in the direction it is aiming towards. the recoil is unmanageable and will send you flying the opposite direction of which you fired. It fires a spread of 5 pellets, It takes around 15 pellets to kill and has 10 shots.

The Sawed Off shotgun has a larger spread than the military shotgun, its bullets are also more powerful. Point-blank range will almost always kill a player instantly. However, the knock back is even worse than the military shotgun. It fires a spread of 5 pellets, It takes 4 pellets to kill and has 10 shots. With the Sawed Off shotgun you can fly by continuously shooting straight down

The Bouncer is a unique rifle that fires purple bullets which will ricochet many times around the level. These bullets deal a fair amount of damage and have low-medium knock back to players they hit. It takes 3 shots to kill and has 30 bullets. Be careful, you can easily kill yourself with this one though. The bullets will also carry over into the next round.

The Grenade Launcher fires grenades in an arc, that detonates after a short duration and deals damage in a large area. It has a relatively high rate of fire (for a grenade launcher), and a pretty big magazine. It is somewhat common. It has six shots.

The Thruster is a weapon that fires small explosives that stick to any object including players. Upon sticking to players they deal a small amount of damage and thrust to player in the direction they were stuck on. The more that are stuck onto a player the more force they apply in that direction, usually sending the player flying off the map. They will also explode after a few seconds, dealing a small amount of damage. It has 20 shots.

The RPG has the obvious ability to shoot high-damage rockets while allowing the wielder to fly across the map by detonating a rocket at a wall or the ground and can be a very powerful weapon due to its knock-back rockets. It has three shots.

Many snake weapons are similar to other weapons like the shotgun, RPG or Minigun. But these weapons have distinctive green patterns on them and fire snakes only. snakes deal a small amount of damage, they cannot be killed as of now and can vary from small snakes, to large ones, and flying snakes.

The Snake Shotgun launches 3 snakes at the direction it's aiming at. The snakes are fired at 22.5, 0 and -22.5 of the direction the shotgun is aiming at. Its recoil is identical to that of the Sawed Off. The snakes Shotgun looks like a shotgun, but with green details. You can also fly with this one if you shoot down continuously.

The Snake Grenade Launcher fires grenades in an arc, that detonates after a short duration and launches 4 snakes in a + formation. The Snake Grenade Launcher looks like a Grenade Launcher, but has green details.

The Snake Launcher launches a large, fast-moving snake in the direction it's aimed at. The Snake Launcher looks like a Rocket Launcher, but has green details. the snake launched by this can break the ice if fired close enough to it.

The snake minigun is the normal minigun but with green details on it making it easy to spot. This has high recoil and fires out snakes rapidly that can also kill you. Make sure you don't fall off the map while firing this weapon. You can fly with this one too

The Flying Snake Launcher launches a large flying snake in the direction it's aimed at. The Flying Snake Launcher looks like a Rocket Launcher with green highlights and wings. The Flying Snake cannot fly fully but can move and push players around the map very easily.

Lava weapons are weapons that have special abilities unlike any regular gun. They were added in along with many lava-themed levels in Oct. 12, 2017. These weapons usually have orange details and do high damage.

Not to be confused with the Lava Spray based on looks. The Lava Grenade Launcher fires grenades in an arc, that detonates after a short duration and launches 24 triangular lava shrapnel pieces in a circular formation with presumably infinite range. (Most YouTubers call this The Doritos Cannon, due to the shape and color of the shrapnel).

This weapon firess powerful, orange beams that can penetrate through walls. Similar to the sniper, the weapon has a laser, pointing out of the gun in the direction the player is aiming. The beam from this weapon can insta-kill and it is possible to fire the weapon, walk into the beam, and kill oneself.

The Lava spray looks very similar to the Lava Spike Ball except it only has one box in the center on the gun instead of 2 bars. It fires a quick stream of drop-like bullets that fall in an arc and have short range. This weapon deals good damage and can knock weapons out of other player's hands easily.

This gun is tiny like a pistol and drops rarely. The bullets themselves are a lot weaker than the spikes they create. When a bullet hits a surface, an array of 3 deadly spikes will deflect and travel in the opposite direction. This can be useful for attacking players in hard-to-reach places.

The sword is exactly what you would think it is. While attacking with this sword, you will lunge in the direction you attack in, meaning that this weapon can be used for extra airtime. The sword can also deflect bullets but doing this will likely knock the weapon out of your hand.

The Knife teleports yourself to the direction that you are aiming. This is useful to escape death and kill other players efficiently. The knife's appearance is of a normal knife, but with a cyan blade. This weapon is a reference to DotA 2, which is where the blink dagger originated. Can one shot all enemies. It can also teleport the wielder through walls. This weapon is very powerful but in the hands on an inexperienced player, could be used badly, resulting in their DOOM.

The Spear is a Low-Medium range weapon that pokes players and deal decent damage. They have a high knockback which is useful for pushing players off the map. When this weapon is thrown, it throws much like a javelin or spear.

The Time Bubble is very similar to a stasis rifle and shoots a slow moving bullet. When hitting a surface, the bullet will create a small bubble (about the diameter of a player) that will freeze most objects including players, preventing them from moving. After several seconds this bubble will explode and deal high amounts of damage depending on how much of a player was trapped inside. If a player was completely submerged inside, it will deal enough damage instantly kill them once it explodes. The Time Bubble is also effective on maps with destructible ice, unleashing a delayed yet devastating attack should the bubble hit ice and explode.

The Laser (or more commonly known as the Laser AK) is one of the most powerful weapons in the game. The bullets have extremely high velocity and knockback, and even 1 bullet from the weapon can send a player flying off the map. The bullets can easily push boxes and platform out of the way. Usually if a player obtains this weapon they'll win, but if the weapon is knocked out of their hand it will disappear (bug).

The Black Hole Gun fires a singular, dark mass of energy. After contact with a surface, the blob starts to expand rapidly, vacuuming every player into it. The weapon is powerful, but counter-intuitive since the one who shot the weapon can die to it just as easily as other players running from the black hole. The Black Hole will slowly rip apart ice maps as they expand and instantly kills players that got sucked inside. The Black hole does not expand forever and will usually stop after about a minute, but at that point most of the map would be covered by it.

The glue gun is exactly what you think it is. It fires tan blobs of glue that stick players to the wall or floor, it can stick weapons as well. It looks like a pistol with tan details. Each blob anchors to the point of contact and can slow down or completely inhibit a players movement if there is enough glue.

The Minigun is a large weapon with a very high rate of fire and one of the highest knockback of all the weapons in the game. It can send it's wielder flying of the edge of the map if they are not careful enough. The bullets are highly inaccurate and it is very difficult to aim or move around in tight spaces with this weapon, but it is very cool! you can also aim it down and fire and then you will be able to fly in! it is also useful for destroying chains then flying in the air! 152ee80cbc

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