Adult Nonfiction

Though I am a much bigger fan of fiction than nonfiction, I am trying to expand my horizons. In the process, I have found that the line between fiction and nonfiction is becoming blurred, as fiction can often be informational and nonfiction can be narrative-driven. The list may be short, but hopefully will continue to grow.

The Ambition Decisions

As a young, recently married woman pursuing my PhD and considering starting a family, I was immediately drawn to this book on the display case at the library. The authors, in the "crisis of faith" of their mid-forties, began researching how their high-achieving sorority sisters made the big life choices of career, marriage, etc. Told through vignettes and summarized with descriptors for each group of women, the book is designed to help women make their own decisions based on the choices of those who have gone before them. What I love most is that the authors admit their bias (expecting that post-feminist women should be able to be the top of their career and have a family), but then shift their interpretation of "success" and pass no judgment on the paths their peers have taken.