Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old, he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6

Preschool and Kindergarten students discussing the love of Jesus.

Welcome to the St. George Religious Education Program

As a direct ministry of the Church, the mission of the Sunday School Program is to teach the children of our parish, ages three through twelfth grade,  about Jesus Christ through the blessings and fullness of our Orthodox Faith by offering programs and events throughout the calendar year.

The members of the Sunday School family are always looking forward to sharing this rewarding and awesome experience with all of our children. There are several ways for parents to help volunteer throughout the year as well.

A small snack is provided to all children before entering Sunday School class.

Below please find links and information to help you learn more about this important branch of our Church.

If you have any questions, or would like to volunteer, please email the director, Kristen Russo, and put Sunday School in the subject line. 

Fr. Andrew blesses the students' backpacks to help kick off the new school year.

Upcoming Events

Participants in the Holy Friday Retreat help to prepare the baskets for the evening service.

Begin Registration for the 2023-2024 School Year! See our registration form above!

Holy Friday       Retreat   <--Info

Palm Making Info-->

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Check Out Pictures from Our Exciting Previous Events

Director Kristen Cline, Judge Costantina Koulosousas, Participants Rafaella Lambrinos and Marilena Iosifides, Judge Katelyn Regan, and Oratorical Committee Chair/MC Paul Koutouzakis

Students participated in the annual Nativity Pageant celebrating the birth of our Lord. 

Iconographer George Giariskanis spoke to the Greek School and Sunday School students after the completion of the iconography in the chapel.

Vacation Bible School took place over three Sundays during the Summer of 2018. Students were taught about the live of the Panagia, St. Helen finding the True Cross, and how we can use icons, candles, and incense to help us focus in prayer.

At the Holy Friday Retreat, students learned the importance of Holy Week, various hymns, and prepared glass candle holders to take home the Light of the Resurrection. 

With the help of the GOYA overnight retreat and even the youngest among us, over 1,500 crosses were made for Palm Sunday 2018.