Early Argentine Tango
We offer our translation of El Tango Argentina de Salon by Nicanor Lima for free download. Published about 1916 in Argentina, this is the earliest known tango dance manual from Argentina and, in our opinion, the clearest and most complete historical description of early tango available. Our translation has the original Spanish side by side with the English translation. Both texts are searchable. There is a full table of contents, and footnotes help to clarify the meaning (or point out ambiguities or inconsistencies).
See also our videos illustrating Lima's steps and figures, chapter by chapter. A transcript of the talking parts of the videos is below.
English Country Dance
During the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020-21, we realized that many country dancers have at least one other dancer with whom they can share a room. So we set out to modify a number of favorite country dances to make them fun for just two dancers. Our modifications stay close to the original choreography or reconstruction but eliminate the need to dance with imaginary partners or wait while another imaginary couple does something.
Class Notes
Lima's Tango - An Introduction
Newman Maxixe - A Reconstruction
Christmas County Dance School 2022