is now closed for the 2024-2025 Season
Please contact us at if you're interested in signing up for class
Classes run September-May
You will need to create a Dakiki account to register for classes. You will also need to activate this account by clicking the link sent to your email once you register. If you do not receive an activation email, please check your junk/spam folder. If you already have a Dakiki account- sign in.
When registering:
1. Add your dancers name and information
2. Add the class you want by choosing My Registration and then clicking the correct class for your age/level
3. Scroll to the bottom and click Complete Form for Submission
4. Scroll to the bottom again and click Submit Classes for Review
Note: you should see a Thumbs up appear with confirmation your class requests have been sent to us. If you do not see this screen we did not receive your info and you will need to contact us at info@stepintimedance.caYou can pay by e-transfer to (include your dancer name in the message field) or you can pay by credit card online
1. In the top right hand corner, click on your profile name and choose Account Profile
2. In the bottom right hand corner, choose MANAGE MY CREDIT CARD
3. Add your address and and card information
4. Click ADD CARD
5. Click CLOSE
6. Go to MY PAYMENTS on the left hand side
7. Click on the PAYMENTS Tab
8. Click Make Payment beside the amount due and follow the steps to complete payment
Registration works on a Desktop or Laptop. The app will not work for registration or payment so you will need to open up an internet browser and login that way. If you run into issues with registration, please contact us at and will process your registration manually. Please do not reach out on Facebook or Instagram for registration. Thank you.
How to register for classes using your Dakiki account:
For step by step instructions with pictures, please see the attachment in this email
Go to and login
From the tabs on the left choose MY REGISTRATION
You’ll see a list of classes your dancer is currently registered for. Scroll down and choose the class you want
Click JOIN beside the correct class
Choose the dancer you want to add from the pop-up and click ADD
Click SAVE at the bottom. A green bar should pop up but your registration is not complete. There are more steps
You will be brought to a summary screen. Scroll to the bottom and click GO TO SUMMARY
Scroll to the bottom and click SUBMIT CLASSES FOR REVIEW. You should see a confirmation page with a thumbs up. This confirms your submission.