is now closed for the 2024-2025 Season

Please contact us at if you're interested in signing up for class

Classes run September-May


1. In the top right hand corner, click on your profile name and choose Account Profile

2. In the bottom right hand corner, choose MANAGE MY CREDIT CARD

3. Add your address and and card information

4. Click ADD CARD

5. Click CLOSE

6. Go to MY PAYMENTS  on the left hand side
7. Click on the PAYMENTS Tab

8. Click Make Payment beside the amount due and follow the steps to complete payment

Registration works on a Desktop or Laptop. The app will not work for registration or payment so you will need to open up an internet browser and login that way. If you run into issues with registration, please contact us at and will process your registration manually. Please do not reach out on Facebook or Instagram for registration. Thank you.

How to register for classes using your Dakiki account:

For step by step instructions with pictures, please see the attachment in this email

Step In Time Dance reserves the right to add/change and remove classes due to enrollment and instructor availability