
I love designing and working on analogue experiments! I think besides their utility in allowing me as a geologist to understand earth surface processes, they are also super fun! They can get a little messy sometimes. The images to the left show the initial stages of an analog experiment I designed to study volcanoes under pressure.

This summer, I spent time in the Sierra Nevadas with the bedrock critical zone network . During my Phd dissertation, I plan to use spectroscopic techniques such as electron microprobe spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy, and FTIR spectrscopy to understand apatite weathering and phosphosrus cycling in montane ecosystems.

Stay hydrated!!

Over the course of this year, I was granted the privilege to work on a state of the art focused ion beam microscope. Above are some images I took during the many hours I spent honing my skills on the FIB-SEM microscope.