Linguistics links

Phonetics resources

Learning articulatory descriptions & IPA symbols; distinguishing English phonemes

University of Victoria Audio Illustrations of the IPA: An IPA chart that will play a sound when you click on it as well as providing the articulatory description of the sound.

IPA icharts (2018): Similar to the above interactive IPA chart, but has multiple speakers pronouncing each sound as well as descriptions and copy-pastable unicode font

Interactive Sagittal Section by Daniel C. Hall: Displays mid-sagittal sections and IPA transcriptions for user-specified articulations.

Vowels, Consonants, and Diphthongs by Prof. Almir Meljovikj: definitions of each of these, plus a mid-sagittal section with color-coded places of articulation for English sounds (note that the symbol and place for <r> can vary depending on one's purpose in transcription and the exact sound being represented).

University of Iowa Video & Animations of Sounds: Animated libraries of the phonetic sounds of English, German, and Spanish. Available for each consonant and vowel is an animated articulatory diagram, a step-by-step description, and video-audio of the sound spoken in context. It is intended for student of phonetics, linguistics, and foreign language. There is also an interactive diagram of the articulatory anatomy.

English Accent Coach: Practice consonants or vowels or pick a few specific ones to focus on. You will hear multiple speakers using the sound(s) you are practicing; click on the one you hear and get immediate feedback. This uses IPA symbols, so you can also use it to practice those. Beware though, that it uses wedge but not schwa and does not distinguish /ɑ/ from /ɔ/, so you cannot use it to practice distinguishing those two sounds (if there are examples of /ɔ/, they are labelled /ɑ/). 

Transcription resources

Praat: Free downloadable software for Macintosh or Windows that allows the user to analyze, synthesize, and manipulate speech. Developed by Paul Boersma and David Weenink.

Praat plugin: Free plugin for Praat that makes manipulating recorded speech much easier.

Additional Praat scripts: UCLA site with lots of scripts to automate various Praat tasks that I haven't checked out; includes instructions for how to run them up top!

Still more Praat scripts: University of Barcelona site with more bunches of scripts that I also haven't checked out.

SoundScriber: Aids in transcription of digitized sound files. Besides normal playback features (Play, FF, Rew, Pause), it also includes features specifically for transcription such as "walking," which plays a small stretch of the file several times, then advances to a new piece that overlaps slightly with the previous one. Originally developed by Eric Breck for MICASE.

IPA icharts (2018): Interactive IPA chart with descriptions, multiple speakers pronouncing each sound, and copy-pastable unicode font

Interactive Unicode IPA chart: Allows you to click on symbols in the chart and then select, copy and then paste IPA into any document without needing a special font

Articulation videos

Voicing, U of Washington Speech & hearing clinic: Video of the vocal folds in action!!

Slow-motion vocal fold vibration: Slow-motion video of the vocal folds in action so you can actually see what the vibrating looks like

Places of articulation, A Course in Phonetics: x-ray movie showing places of articulation. Requires a plug-in that might not be supported anymore.

Many sounds... A Course in Phonetics: x-ray movie showing many different sounds. Requires a plug-in that might not be supported anymore.

Other cool resources

UCLA Phonetics Lab Data: An archival record of materials for use with older editions of two of Peter Ladefoged's textbooks. Sound files can be accessed by looking up particular languages or particular types of sounds.

UCLA Phonetics Lab Archive: Recordings of many of the languages that have been investigated by members of the UCLA Phonetics Lab or have been made available to the lab by other scholars. Sound files can also be accessed by looking up particular languages or particular types of sounds.

McGurk effect: The bimodal nature of speech understanding - a demonstration of the famous "hearing lips , seeing voices" experiment. Notice how the sound seems to change when you close your eyes or look away. What you see affects what you hear!

Phoneme restoration effect: Do you hear the first /s/ in "legislatures"? (Hint: it's not there.)

Phoneme restoration effect, more complex example: William Knapp's example. Do some sounds work better than others?

Sociolinguistics resources

Language variation samples and research findings

Atlas of North American English: The Atlas of North American English is a record of the regional dialects of English spoken in the urbanized areas of the United States and Canada in the years 1996-1999.

The Cambridge Online Survey of World Englishes: Includes numerous maps showing variation, especially regarding lexical differences. Maps open to show the US and Canada, but you can scroll around to see respondents in other parts of the world as well.

Yale Grammatical Diversity Project, English in North America: Provides information about grammatical differences among varieties, including who uses specific variants and how they are typically used.

Varieties of English: This website contains information not only on general topics such as phonetics, phonology, and IPA transcription, but also information on different varieties of English, such as Southern States English, African-American English, and British English. (Available via Wayback Machine)

Phonological Features of AAVE: Pollock, et al.'s list of African American Vernacular English phonological features. Along with a description and examples, the list provides information on internal linguistic constraints on the variable application of each feature. If available, information is also provided about whether or not the feature is also used in other American English dialects, is currently undergoing a change (i.e., expanding or receding usage), or varies according to geographic or urban/rural areas.

Speech Accent Archive: This site examines the speech of speakers from many different language backgrounds reading the same sample paragraph.

International Dialects of English Archive: An enormous archive of English-language dialects and accents, including roughly 1,400 samples form 120 countries and every state in the US.

Sociolinguistic research and resources

Language on the Move: peer-reviewed sociolinguistics research site devoted to multilingualism, language learning, and intercultural communication in the contexts of globalization and migration. Aims to disseminate sociolinguistic research to a broad global audience. Co-founded by Ingrid Piller and Kimie Takahashi, currently edited by Ingrid Piller.

Terralingua: an international, non-profit organization for biological, cultural, & linguistic diversity.

Conversation analysis resources

SoundScriber: Aids in transcription of digitized sound files. Besides normal playback features (Play, FF, Rew, Pause), it also includes features specifically for transcription such as "walking," which plays a small stretch of the file several times, then advances to a new piece that overlaps slightly with the previous one. Originally developed by Eric Breck for MICASE.

CA tutorial: Charles Antaki's somewhat dated (in terms of recording equipment, etc.) but still very helpful tutorial, including transcription & analysis

Ethno/CA news: Wiki concerning publications, conferences, and other items relevant to Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis

Schegloff publications: Emanuel Schegloff's archive of his publications.


WebCorp Live: Allows you to use the web as a corpus

BNC, COCA, COHA, etc: Several corpora hosted by BYU, including the British National Corpus - representing a wide range of current British English, the Corpus of Contemporary American English, the Corpus of Historical American English, and much, much more!

MICASE: The Michigan Corpus of Academic Spoken English - approximately 1.7 million words from native & non-native speakers at the University of Michigan