Slavery and the British Industrial Revolution (with S. Redding and J. Voth) [online Appendix]. Revise and Resubmit, Review of Economic Studies.

The Distributional Consequences of Trade: Evidence from the Repeal of the Corn Laws (with S. Redding and Y. Zylberberg) 

Industrial clusters in the long run: Evidence from Million-Rouble Plants in China, NBER WP30744 (with M. Seror, H. Xu, and Y. Zylberberg). [online Appendix]

Mediation Analysis in IV Settings With a Single Instrument, (with C. Dippel, R. Gold, and R. Pinto).

The Spatial Impacts of a Massive Rail Disinvestment Program: The Beeching Axe (latest version), CEP Discussion Paper 1563 (with S. Gibbons and E. Pinchbeck). R&R at Journal of Urban Economics

Cool Cities: The Value of Urban Trees (with L. Han, C. Timmins, Y. Zylberberg).

A Penny for your Thoughts, NBER Working Paper 30076 (with W. Hanlon, F. Monte, and M. Schmitz).

The Death and Life of Great British Cities (with D. Nagy, A. Trew and Y. Zylberberg). 

State of the Art: Economic Development Through the Lens of Paintings (with C. Gorin and Y. Zylberberg).