This study focuses on the 4th treatment step in Degeberga WWTP treatment plant, the first full scale GAC filter in Sweden installed in April 2020 for removal of micropollutants. The two GAC filters, containing two different carbon types, has operated flawlessly for three years (30,000 bed volumes) without requiring backwashing. The results indicate that the sand filter provides effective protection to the carbon filters, preventing solids from reaching the carbon and reducing the growth of organic matter. Additionally substantial biodegradation was observed for several substances. During the first year of operation, the two filters (at 8500 and 5700 bed volumes respectively) achieved >98 % removal of 24 substances. By the end of the second year (at 19,000 and 12,600 bed volumes respectively), fluconazole and sulfamethoxazole broke through completely, and the number of compounds below 80 % removal increased. The average removal of micro pollutants decreased over time. Compounds with positive charges generally exhibited higher adsorption capacities, while negatively charged compounds had lower removals. On average the investigated 24 compounds was removed by 89 % in the 4th treatment step over three years. The study suggests that biodegradation may contribute to the removal of some micropollutants in GAC filters, similar to observations made in the sand filter. Both Swiss and suggested EU regulations aim for at least an 80 % removal in micropollutant concentration. The study evaluated the performance of the filters based on this guideline and the presented technique is after a total of eight years of investigation and evaluation a proven performer. Overall, the 4th treatment combination of sand and GAC filters in WWTPs has shown promising results in removing organic micropollutants, addressing the need for efficient treatment strategies targeting these emerging pollutants. Degeberga WWTP serves as an example of successful implementation of advanced treatment for improving water quality and protecting human and aquatic health.

Microgreens are nutrient-dense tiny greens that may be grown in limited space, in a relatively short time, even on a windowsill or in your kitchen. Given their high nutritional value and the variety of species you can grow, microgreens can provide you with nutrient-dense greens and the de-stressing experience of working in your home garden.

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Microgreen production for self-consumption in a household does not require using any special tool, and besides the seeds, you should be able to find everything you need at home or in any household product store (Figure 1). If you plan to grow microgreens continuously for more efficient production, buying some growing trays and small tools specifically designed to produce microgreens might be convenient.

For some species that require to be pre-soaked, you may need a few cups for soaking the seeds in water and a small colander to rinse the seeds once or twice before germination. You need a clean surface or shelf to place the growing trays depending on where you plan to grow microgreens. While the natural sunlight available behind a window, on a balcony, or a small porch is generally enough to grow microgreens, it is possible to supplement the natural sunlight with a source of artificial lighting developed explicitly for plant growth. Moreover, some species may be grown in a dark environment and do not require any light from sowing until harvest.

A key element necessary to produce microgreens is the growing medium. The most popular media used are peat-based mixes, coconut coir, and mats constituted of natural (cotton, kenaf, hemp) or synthetic fibers (rockwool). The growing medium is important because the capacity to hold soil moisture and the frequency with which water should be applied depends on its properties and many other aspects, such as the availability of nutrients and the quality of the microgreens. The suggestion is to use what is readily available and relatively non-expensive, ensuring that it is environmentally sustainable, clean, and safe.

After selecting the species of microgreens you would like to grow and purchasing microgreen seeds, calculate the amount of seeds you need for your square, rectangular, or circular planting trays following the instructions provided here or using the Microgreens Seed Density Calculator developed to make things very easy for you.

Trays and or containers of different shapes and sizes may be used to plant microgreens. Since microgreens do not require a lot of medium to grow on, flat trays are generally preferred over regular nursery pots. While microgreen planting trays of different sizes may be purchased from different sources, recycling containers deriving from food packaging is also possible. The main recommendation is to make sure you are using material that is suitable for food production, that it's clean, and that the trays have drainage holes at the bottom. This will allow you to water the trays from the bottom without letting the water contact the greens, enabling the excess water to drain.

At this point, you can start seeding by evenly distributing the defined amount of microgreen seeds on the entire growing area of each tray. Most of the microgreen seeds do not require any treatment. However, for some species characterized by larger seeds or a hard seed shell, the germination process may accelerate if seeds are pre-soaked in water. Seeds can be soaked in water overnight for 8-12 hours. During this process, it is beneficial to rinse the seeds in running water a couple of times to wash the seeds and let them get some oxygen.

After distributing the seeds on the growing medium surface, it is not necessary, and it could be better not to cover the seeds with soil so that the sprouts remain clean. After seeding, It is enough to apply some water, occasionally using a spray bottle to keep the seed moist during germination. It is recommended to keep the seeds in a dark environment for a few days to facilitate the germination process and keep a good moisture level during the germination. This can be easily achieved by covering the microgreen trays with something that can block the sunlight.

After the germination process is complete and seedlings reach a certain height, it is possible to uncover the trays and expose the sprouts to sunlight. In selecting a place to grow your microgreens, consider that, like any other plant, microgreens benefit from good exposure to sunlight; therefore, place them where you have more light. Usually, a window on the south side of the house or apartment will receive more sunlight than one exposed north. As the microgreens start growing, if the light is limited, you will see the shoots leaning toward the light. A good level of sunlight will ensure optimal growth and a higher accumulation of antioxidants is produced by plants, primarily in response to solar radiation.

Depending on the species and the growing conditions, microgreens may be ready to harvest in a few days or a couple of weeks after germination is complete. Microgreens may be harvested using a clean, sharp knife or a pair of scissors right before being used for any preparation. Washing microgreens in fresh drinking water before consuming them is always recommended. However, be aware that microgreens plant tissues are very gentle, and their shelf life may be substantially reduced after washing. An alternative could be to bag and store microgreens at low temperatures and wash them right before they are used.

In terms of action: Circle your next goal, turn it into a mini-goal with micro-steps and continue this process until every goal within every category makes you feel like you have a level 5 in energy.

Thanks a lot for all your replies. I am overwhelmed. But the H bridge circuit (which block diagram I have posted) is correct because it has been designed by a experienced electronics engineer but he don't know the software. I have to write the code for it. He have said me to use PWM to avoid the excess heat ........The one which is done in my code ( by using DMA ) is for ramping . moreover the half step table is also provided by him. So here the doubt is how to use the pwm to avoid excessive heat in my present code.

Probably the customer is trying voltage mode control (only voltage is controlled). This type of control may work for low speeds, in case of 1.8 deg hybrid stepper motor to somewhere around 1 rev/s. If higher speeds are required current mode control is needed. It looks like DRV8835 does not have current control needed for microstepping (in current mode). In order to use microstepping the following would be needed: 2x current sense resistors, 2x inline current sense amplifiers, 2x ADC inputs and proper program for current control for some controller like MCU.

I tried briefly once voltage mode control using power amplifiers to generate sin/cos voltage waves for hybrid stepper motor at current 30% of its nominal value and at 140 pps (0.7 rev/s) it just stopped to work because of resonance. Maybe current was to low but I gave up any further tests.

The whole control would be very similar to V/f control of induction motor with frequency inverter. You can also try to look for "voltage mode" control of stepper motors on web, but there is not a lot of information available.

I understand that driver used to work with that motor, at full step, at 250pps, at VM around 3.8V and with some torque. Full step provides the highest possible output voltage out of all step modes and if you want to go for half-step or microstepping motor current would have to be preserved to keep previous motor torque.

Grzegorz's answers detail some possible ways you could try to do it, but I suspect the easiest path forward is for you to make a new design based on one of our stepper motor drivers with microstepping. Unfortunately I don't see a pin to pin compatible part for the DRV8835

Click on the ||variables:Variables|| category in the Toolbox. Drag a ||variables:change steps|| block into the ||input:on shake|| block. Now every time we shake our micro:bit (or take a step), we will add 1 to the value in our ||variables:steps|| variable. 17dc91bb1f

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