STEMing UP 2021 Yearbook

Phase 1 Pitches

Phase 2 Final Solutions

STEMing UP Speaker Series

Messages from the 2021 STEMing UP Team

Doina Oncel

CEO & Founder of hEr VOLUTION

Dear STEMing UP participants,

Let me start this message by saying how proud I am of your achievement in the STEMing UP Program. You have done it and you should be proud!

When you participated in Phase 1 you used design thinking to come up with a solution for our challenge partners in the program. During Phase 2 you went beyond critical thinking and applied your technical skills to finish your project with your team. This is not an easy task, if it was easy, anyone could do it, yet you did it!!! You have put in the work and not only committed to your team and the project but committed to your future. This is just the beginning!

This program is the foundation of a great future for you with endless opportunities. The network that you have formed here will become key to your success and I know I will hear amazing things about you because you are fearless and already proven commitment to your future.

There are no limits to what you can achieve from this moment forward. Take some time to reflect on all the learning you gained from your coaches, speakers, and your peers and continue to reach out to each other to learn from and support each other.

Tech related industries are waiting for you to bring your thoughts that are as diverse and unique as you are. Most importantly though, when you get there, don’t forget to pass on what you learned so that the future for all women will become inclusive and diverse.

Some of you have finished two years with us and I am so glad you did while some of you have finished your first year and are considering returning next year and we can’t wait to welcome you back! We are all looking forward to seeing how far you go and all the amazing things you’ll be doing from here. And remember, this is not the end, we hope that you keep in touch not only with your peers but with our team at hEr VOLUTION as well.

I thank you for choosing to spend four months with us and invest in your future. Congratulations in completing the STEMing UP 2021!

Jada Chang

STEMing UP Summer Program Coordinator

Congratulations to all the students on completing the 2021 STEMing UP program!

It was amazing to see the development of your projects, and you should all be very proud of what you were able to accomplish! I hope you're able to take what you learned and apply it further to your academic and professional careers, and continue to develop the relationships you've built with everyone from the program.

Also, a huge thank you to all the coaches, coding trainers, speakers, partners, and everyone else behind the scenes who helped make STEMing UP 2021 a possibility.

Best of luck to all of you with everything you pursue in the future. Stay passionate, ask questions, and keep taking opportunities to try new things!

Lauren Cauchy

Shopify Senior Social Impact Manager

Congratulations participants of STEMing UP 2021!!! I am so incredibly blown away by the power of this program and Shopify is very proud to have been involved again this year. It’s amazing to see how fast and how far you have come, not only learning and executing on technical skills, but collaborating like real world product development teams. The growth mindset, resilience, resourcefulness and commitment you all have demonstrated toward your own development and in support of the business owners you are working with is truly inspiring. I can’t wait to see what you all do in the near future!

Johannes Valdes

Shopify Social Impact Manager

A huge congratulations to all participants of STEMing UP 2021! It is remarkable to see how much technical learning and hands-on work you have accomplished in just a matter of months. We’re so proud of the hours and hard work that you’ve put into finishing the program and, whether you will rejoin us for next year or pursue other projects, may many doors open now that you’ve experienced STEMing UP!

Thank you Doina, Jada, and the hEr VOLUTION team for the passion you bring to this program and the opportunities you have created for the next generation of women in tech!