STEMing UP 2020 Yearbook


Message from Doina

Dear STEMing UP Students of 2020,

I am so proud of your commitment to being in this program this year for four weeks. You have given up your summer to learn new skills and meet new people and for that my hat goes off to you. I am always fascinated by your perseverance and your determination to solve world’s problems and work collaboratively with others while you are in the program, and that’s why I have faith that you will be changing the world, no pressure at all. ☺

This year has been a bit challenging, I know, but even through that, you have pulled through and made some amazing things happen! This has instilled life skills in you that even you did not know you had. I can’t wait to see your work out there in the world and, if I can give you one piece of advice to take on with you, is that you DO have what it takes and being in this program has proven just that!

Some of you will be coming back next year to complete the program all together and some of you have finished two years with us. For all of you returning, know that I am already looking forward to seeing your ideas come to life next year and for the students who are finished, you are always welcome to come back and support other young women because if there is one thing that I know for sure is that, now that you met each other, you have a bond in sisterhood and I am here to continue to connect you with resources and each other and that will never change.

It’s not goodbye, it’s see you later,


Steffy Lo

Python Cohort Coding Instructor

Hey girls! Congratulations for making through the program! Be proud of yourself for making it this far!

It's been a short but definitely memorable 4 weeks for me, and a pleasure introducing you girls to the wondorous world of programming.

I hope you've taken a lot out of this program because the knowledge you've gained and the relationships you've built here will go a long way from now.

Your journey doesn't just end here, in fact, it has just started.

All the best in your future endeavours!

Parth Patel

JavaScript Cohort Coding Instructor

Hello hello! Wow, these past 4 weeks have gone by way quicker than I expected them to.

I'm going to be honest, I expected to have some fun during these 4 weeks, but not nearly as much as I ended up having. I just hope I was able to provide all of you, not just with the same amount of fun but also a bit of applicable knowledge that you will continue to expand upon.

I can't wait to see where each and every one of you goes in the future and creates a positive impact on the world around you!

Shirley Wu

2020 STEMing UP Program Coordinator

Congratulations on completing your four weeks trip through parts of the STEM world!

This was definitely a unique experience for me, and I am so glad to have met you all! Despite that the program had to run remotely this year, it went pretty well! Hope you have enjoyed it and used this opportunity to gain as much knowledge as you can. I believe that these experiences will be very beneficial to you right now and in the future.

Great work girls, you've all got great potential to shine! ✧


Demo Day Pitches✰

Message from Students:

"I'm very grateful for all the hard effort and success this program has brought. I've been inspired by students older and younger than me. I feel energized with the passion to go out and explore my interests as well as dive deeper into emerging tech. Thank you to everyone who has contributed to making this program come to life for us!"

"To Steffy: Thank you for everything! I'm so glad to have been able to learn Python from you"

"I would like to thank Parth for always keeping up with our group as well as the study sessions. He always tried to make sure we each understood the lesson and he tried to teach is in a very fun way."

"While learning code has never been a walk in the park for myself, I truly appreciate all the patience, time and effort spent in each lesson. The new learning has been very educational and enjoyable, making this program a unique experience. It's been a pleasure getting to know the coaches, making jokes and being exposed to different ideas everyday. Thank you for all your hard work in making these past few weeks an interesting summer!"