Tuesday, June 11th

Day 2: Tuesday

Another wonderful day for STEM InCYte camp! We started our day with a morning snack - bagels and cream cheese. Then, we were able to join together to take a few whole group photos with everyone in their new STEM InCYte T-shirts. We took a few pictures with silly poses too! Luckily the rain held off so we could enjoy the Lagomarcino courtyard. After the pictures, the red and gold groups went to enjoy their morning activities.

Morning: This morning the gold group spent two hours working with Dr. Cetin of the college of Engineering. Dr. Cetin, professor of Civil and Construction Engineering, taught the students about the aerodynamics of windmills. The students then spent time designing weight bearing towers with paper, tape, and straws. They also created the blades of the turbine with popsicle sticks. It was an insightful and interesting experience! Meanwhile, the red group went to a farm and learned about the plants that make up a pasture and were able to pick and identify three different types of grasses. They also got to work with sheep and determine if they had a parasite by looking at the sheep’s eyes.

Afternoon: This afternoon, the gold group headed out to the farm to learn about the plants and grasses in the pasture and looked at sheeps' eyes to determine if they had a parasite. The red group spent time with workers from Workiva and did several scientific experiments at different stations. During activities at the different stations, they learned about binary code, constructed towers out of spaghetti and gum drops, and made hoop gliders! You could hear their excitement fill the room as they built and tested their towers and hoop gliders.

In their words

"A windmill takes a long time to build and weight about 400,000 pounds or 200 tons"

"We learn about sheep and how to knoow it that sick"

"We got to make wind turbines"

"I like to engineer and engineering is fun"

"You can tell if a sheep has internal parasites from the inside the eyelid"

"I learned how to properly manage sheeps grazing, just in case I do that in the future"

I liked "that we could make stuff"

"You can tell how old a sheep is by looking at their teeth"

"I liked learning about different plants"

I learned "how to spell words using computer code's"

"I learned code binary"

"I liked how I learned how I learned to build an airplane"

"I like programming"

"I would like to learn more about binary code"

Photos of the Day

Each day we’ll post camp highlights. Please note that we try to capture pictures of all the campers, but we cannot guarantee that we will get every single one. We try our very best to though! Also we are STEM teachers and not full time photographers, so our pictures are not perfect and we leave them unedited, so if you love to edit photos… feel free!