Stem Cell Treatment For Knees

Stem Cell Therapy for Knees

Knees are flexible, sturdy joints that help keep us stable whenever we’re upright. When working as they should, we don’t even notice them being there. It’s only when they start creaking, cracking and aching that we wince and force ourselves to take a break. Healing hurt knees is very difficult, which is why you should know in advance about the stem cell treatment for knees.

What causes knee pain?

The two most common reasons are arthritis and injuries, though knees can start aching for apparently no reason at all. In all cases, knee pain is caused by strong pressure or friction between knee components where there normally shouldn’t be any.

If the pain disappears on its own, there’s most often no need to do anything besides slow down. However, if the pain repeats and keeps getting more intense, you should definitely pay attention to what your body is telling you.


Arthritis is an umbrella term for joint illnesses resulting in stiffness, pain and inflammation. They all share the same symptoms:

joint deterioration

stiffness that gets worse after an activity

swelling of the joint

tender, sore spots on the joint

● fever, fatigue and lack of appetite

Over time, arthritis spreads to other joints on the body and may affect hands, toes, elbows, shoulders and hips. The smallest joints are usually the ones to start aching first, though there’s no rhyme or reason to how arthritis acts. It’s when the lining that keeps the joints working smoothly gets damaged that you feel the most pain.

40% of people suffering from arthritis can also have it spread to other organs, such as eyes, skin and heart. Lupus is a common symptom as well. The cause is the immune system going haywire and attacking the body.


Kids scrape their knees, get up and carry on but that’s not how it works for adults. Bumping your knee as an adult can do serious damage to the joint, especially if you do it over and over. If the damage can’t heal, you’re looking at all kinds of pains later down the line.

The best approach is to always take a break after injuring your knee to make sure there’s no permanent damage. That doesn’t work if you’re into sports and have a set schedule.

How does a joint work?

In each joint, two bones come together but don’t actually touch. There’s a thick lining that covers their ends, filled with a fluid that can turn into gel when squeezed. The action of that fluid is what actually causes the “pop” when you crack your knuckles or stretch your knees. Don’t worry, it’s just the air pocket getting squeezed around.

There’s also cartilage, tendons and ligaments in there. All these parts work together to spread the weight around and give you smooth, effortless movement. They also prevent the joint from popping out of its socket. It’s when there’s more weight on one part than it’s meant to handle that trouble starts happening.

There are many tough but tiny parts in a joint and all of them can get crushed; even the fluid can get infected and stop turning into gel. Once there’s damage, the body will try to fix it. If the damage happens faster than the body can fix it, the joint gets worn down. That’s what you feel as joint pain that gets worse and worse, and since knees bear the weight of the body, they most often go first.

The causes can range from friction to viruses and bacteria. The genes are always involved somehow, so don’t blame yourself if you’ve got a bad knee.

How can a knee be healed?

There’s no surefire way to restore a knee to a youthful one but we have a couple options that help remove some pain and fix some joint damage. The simplest way is taking some supplements to try and fix the cartilage.

Chondroitin and glucosamine are the two most popular ones but the studies aren’t clear on their benefits. The problem is also that the joint doesn’t have any circulation so the supplements will work slowly. If the joint is too far gone, there’s very little hope a supplement will help.

The next option is doing a total knee replacement. Because it’s a major surgery, it’s not a pretty solution and should only be used as a last resort, when the two ends of the bones start rubbing against each other. It also means a lengthy recovery and a lot of possible complications. If you have some other health issues you didn’t account for, your new knee might never work as expected.

Finally, there’s also the stem cell therapy for knees.

How does the stem cell therapy for knees work?

The idea is that the body can already heal itself, we simply have to nudge it a bit and step out of the way. The body can use the stem cells we give it to fix whatever it needs to fix, without us fiddling with the process.

Stem cells can be injected right into the knee, which works around the lack of circulation issue. There’s also no major surgery involved and you can just carry on as normal.

Every time your body gets injured, it spends a little bit of its resources to patch up the damage. If the damage keeps happening, your body spends itself too much. The injury is then like a debt and the pain is like an overdraft warning that keeps repeating even if the injury stays the same.

You can think of stem cells like blank checks your body can use to put the account back into black. When you get the stem cell injections for knees, your body starts paying off debt, which stops the warnings.

This means there’s still going to be some pain after the treatment but you’ll notice it withdraw over time.

Our treatment also includes growth factors, which you can imagine like a cash injection. They help the body get right on it and start rebuilding the damaged parts using its own stem cells and the ones we give it.

The doctor will first give you an exam and talk to you about your knee problems. Based on your needs, you’ll get the stem cell therapy for knees that works best for you.

How many kinds of stem cell therapy for knees are there?

We offer five types of stem cell knee injections:

bone marrow and fat (The Super Shot)

bone marrow

fat tissue

Wharton’s jelly

● plasma

The key thing is that all treatments use cells from your own body, except the jelly one, which is from a donor. This minimizes the risk of inflammation or rejection, which can happen with implants, but also eliminates the chance of infection from donated tissue.

We first scan you for damage and use the stem cell treatment for knees to fix the exact spot where it happened. Because of how stem cells work, the body can also use them to start repairing nearby muscles and tendons.

The plasma treatment is only suitable for mild joint damage; the other four can be used even on wrecked joints to start the healing journey. The sooner you start, the better our chances to recover the full range of motion and completely erase the pain.

We know you’re used to the pain but there is a comfortable, relaxed life and for you it starts with one visit to our offices.

What are stem cells?

Stem cells are like the Swiss knife of the body. They can be made into nerves, ligaments, tendons, cartilage or whatever other cell type the body needs. The body normally uses them to fix the damage but sometimes it takes too long or the healing stops for some reason.

By injecting stem cells right into the source of damage, we can jump-start the body’s natural healing process. This means not just the joint but the nearby area starts getting better as well.

Where do you get the stem cell for knees?

There is some controversy around stem cells harvested from embryos. We do NOT use embryonic stem cells.

The Wharton’s jelly we use is found in umbilical cords, which are normally thrown away after birth. Donors who want to donate their umbilical cords and pass disease screens get their jelly frozen and shipped in vials around the country.

Once thawed, the jelly is injected into the damaged knee or other part of the body. The other four treatments use your own stem cells, which your body produces but they can’t get to the site of injury.

For those treatments, we take stem cells out of your bone marrow or fat deposits.

How are stem cells taken from bone marrow?

Inside your bones, there’s an entire gold mine of stem cells and growth factors. This is especially true for hips, ribs and spine. That’s also where your blood is produced.

By removing just a little bit of your bone marrow and loading a syringe with it, we can put it right where it hurts. This means knees but also lower back, shoulders, toes or any other place.

It takes a few minutes to remove the bone marrow and we numb only a part of your body. The best part is that there’s no waiting to use it where it hurts — we can inject the bone marrow right away.

95% of patients who have gone through this procedure said they felt some pressure. Only 5% said it was extremely painful.

How are stem cells taken from fat deposits?

Who would have thought those soft, cushy fat deposits can actually be used to heal your body? As it turns out, the fat deposits on the tummy and on the butt are rich with stem cells.

We scoop out some of the fat in a 15-20 minute procedure, spin it a bit, turn it into a liquid and it’s ready to be injected right back in sore spots. The fat actually works wonderfully for large joints, since the squishy fat cells act like a trellis on which the body can grow the crushed parts. This procedure is best for shoulders, hips and knees.

How are stem cells put in the knee?

The stem cell for knees treatment is done with a needle. It’s quick, painless and leaves no mark, meaning you can move on with your life right away. The procedure doesn’t hurt at all and is no more painful than a pinprick. The doctor can also use a numbing agent so you don’t feel a thing.

How soon can I see the results?

Stem cell injections for knees start working within 3-4 weeks and keep working up to 6-8 months after. The results are better if you stick to the doctor’s advice, such as doing physical therapy.

When we combine bone marrow and fat cells in one shot, you get what we call “The Super Shot” treatment.

Why choose stem cell treatment for knees?

Stem cell therapy for knees is the safest way to heal damaged knee joints. It’s very easy to adjust to your needs to lower the cost and give you the most bang for your buck. The risk is also minimal, there’s no surgery and you’re right back on your feet.

94% of our patients say they feel better after the treatment. On average, it takes them 3 months before they end up feeling six times less pain.

In comparison, total knee replacement is often fraught with danger, with 1-2% of patients having severe complications, such as blood clots or infections. For most people, the new knee lasts about 15-25 years but in some cases it starts crumbling. The result is that the patient needs a new surgery, a new knee and to start the recovery process all over again.


Stem cell knee injections are the most cost-effective way to treat knee and joint injuries. They are safe, quick, painless, don’t require surgery and keep working for months after.

If you’re struggling with creaking, aching knees and other joints, come visit NeoGenix. All you stand to lose is your knee pain.

The consultation is free and you can schedule it through our online form or by calling 704-727-6551.