The Subjective Belief Factor
by Tingyue Cui, Ricardo De la O, and Sean Myers
Five Star Conference, Fall 2024
Pricing of Climate Risk Insurance: Regulation and Cross-Subsidies
by Sangmin Oh, Ishita Sen, and Ana-Maria Tenekedjieva
E-axes forum 2024
When do cross-sectional asset pricing factors span the stochastic discount factor?
by Serhiy Kozak and Stefan Nagel
SoFiE Seminar, Fall 2022
Insensitive investors
by Constantin Charles, Cary Frydman, and Mete Kilic
NBER Asset Pricing, Fall 2022
Macro Trends and Factor Timing
by Carlo Favero, Alessandro Melone, Andrea Tamoni
Dissecting Green Returns
by Lubos Pastor, Robert Stambaugh, and Lucian Taylor
NBER Asset Pricing, Summer 2022
Expectations and Bank Lending
by Yueran Ma, Teodora Paligorova, and José-Luis Peydró
AEA 2022
Mitigating Disaster Risks in the Age of Climate Change
by Harrison Hong, Neng Wang, and Jinqiang Yang
AFA 2022
Do Common Factors Really Explain the Cross-Section of Stock Returns?
by Alejandro Lopez-Lira and Nick Roussanov
NBER Big Data, 2021
Regulatory Arbitrage and the Rise of Non-Financial Firms’ Shadow Banking Activities
by Zehao Liu, Huoqing Tang, and Chengsi Zhang
Renmin University of China School of Finance Workshop, 2021
Putting the Price in Asset Pricing
by Thummim Cho and Christopher Polk
LSE-BIS conference, 2021
Asset Managers’ Response to Natural Disasters
by Marcin Kacperczyk
IESE Banking Initiative Conference, 2021
Bayesian Solutions for the Factor Zoo: We Just Ran Two Quadrillion Models
by Svetlana Bryzgalova, Jiantao Huang, and Christian Julliard
AFA 2021
The Pricing and Risk of Dividends by Maturity: Theory and Evidence from the COVID-19 Pandemic
by Niels Gormsen, Ralph Koijen, and Ian Martin
AFA 2021
On the Other Side of Hedge Fund Equity Trades
by Xinyu Cui, Olga Kolokolova, Jiaguo Wang
AFA 2021
Duration-Driven Returns
by Niels Gormsen and Eben Lazarus
NBER Asset Pricing Meeting, Fall 2020
Stock Prices, Lockdowns, and Economic Activity in the Time of Coronavirus
by Steven Davis , Dingqian Liu, and Xuguang Simon Sheng
IMF Jacques Polak Annual Research Conference, Fall 2020
Maturity Increasing Over-reaction and Bond Market Puzzles
by Daniele D'Arienzo
NBER Behavioral Finance Meeting, Spring 2020
Volatility Expectations and Returns
by Lars Lochstoer and Tyler Muir
NBER Behavioral Finance Meeting, Fall 2019
Asset Pricing with Fading Memory
by Stefan Nagel and Zhengyang Xu
NBER Summer Institute 2019 (Behavioral/Macro)
In Military We Trust: The Effect of Managers' Military Background on Mutual Fund Flows
by Alexander Cochardt, Stephan Heller and Vitaly Orlov
NBER Summer Institute 2019 (Asset Pricing)
The Pollution Premium
by Po-Hsuan Hsu, Kai Li, and Chi-Yang Tsou
WSIR 2019
Risk Price Variation: The Missing Half of the Cross-Section of Expected Returns
by Andrew Patton and Brian Weller
ASU Sonoran Winter Finance Conference 2019
Production Networks and Stock Returns: The Role of Vertical Creative Destruction
by Michael Gofman, Gill Segal and Youchang Wu
AFA 2019
Disaster on the Horizon: The Price Effect of Sea Level Rise
by Asaf Bernstein, Matthew Gustafson and Ryan Lewis
Chicago Booth Asset Pricing Conference, 2018
Measuring Horizon-Specific Systematic Risk via Spectral Betas
by Federico Bandi, Shomesh Chaudhuri, Andrew Lo and Andrea Tamoni
New Methods for the Cross Section of Returns (at Chicago Booth), 2018
Dynamic Asset Liability Management under Model Uncertainty
by Ferenc Horvath, Frank de Jong, and Bas Werker
City University of Hong Kong Finance Conference, 2018
Predicting Relative Returns
by Valentin Haddad, Serhiy Kozak and Shri Santosh
AFA 2018
The Cross-Section of Risk and Return
by Kent Daniel, Lira Mota, Simon Rottke and Tano Santos
AFA 2018
Multifactor models and the APT: Evidence from a broad cross-section of stock returns
by Ilan Cooper, Paulo Maio and Dennis Philip
EFMA 2017
An Equilibrium Model of Institutional Demand and Asset Prices
by Ralph Koijen and Motohiro Yogo
AFA 2017
The Cross-Section of Currency Volatility Premia
by Pasquale Della Corte, Roman Kozhan, and Anthony Neuberger
AFA 2017
Climate Risks and Market Efficiency
by Harrison Hong, Frank Weikai Li and Jiangmin Xu
NBER Asset Pricing Meeting, November 2016
Volatility Managed Portfolios
by Alan Moreira and Tyler Muir
Paul Woolley Centre Conference (LSE) 2016
Linking Cross-Sectional and Aggregate Expected Returns
by Serhiy Kozak and Shri Santosh
SFS Cavalcade 2016
Systemic Default and Return Predictability in the Stock and Bond Markets
by Jack Bao, Kewei Hou and Shaojun Zhang
UBC WFC 2016
Nominal Exchange Rate Stationarity and Long-Term Bond Returns
by Hanno Lustig, Andreas Stathopoulos and Adrien Verdelhan
AFA 2016
Fear Trading
by Paul Schneider and Fabio Trojani
AFA 2016
Horizon-specific macroeconomic risks and the cross section of expected returns
by Martijn Boons and Andrea Tamoni
EFA 2015
Efficiency and Distortions in a Production Economy with Heterogeneous Beliefs
by Christian Heyerdahl-Larsen and Johan Walden
WFA 2015
Aggregate Tail Risk and Expected Returns
by David Chapman and Michael Gallmeyer
SFS Cavalcade 2015
Nominal term spread, real rate and consumption growth
by Anna Cieslak and Pavel Povala
MFA 2015
Business-cycle consumption risk and asset prices
by Federico Bandi and Andrea Tamoni
AFA 2015
Credit-induced booms and busts
by Marco Di Maggio and Amir Kermani
Tel Aviv Finance Conference 2014
The Credit Spread Puzzle - Myth or Reality?
by Peter Feldhütter and Stephen Schaefer
CEPR Asset Pricing Conference (Gerzensee) 2014
Preferred Habitats and Safe-Haven Effects: Evidence from the London Housing Market
by Cristian Badarinza and Tarun Ramadorai
Paul Woolley Centre Conference (LSE) 2014
Ambiguity Aversion and Household Portfolio Choice: Empirical Evidence
by Stephen Dimmock, Roy Kouwenberg, Olivia Mitchell and Kim Peijnenburg
Mitsui Finance Symposium (at U Michigan) 2014
Macroeconomic Variables and the Term Structure: Long-Run and Short-Run Dynamics
by Hitesh Doshi, Kris Jacobs and Rui Liu
USC Fixed Income Conference 2014
Estimates of the Size and Source of Price Declines Due to Nearby Foreclosures
by Elliot Anenberg and Ed Kung
HULM 2013 (at FRB Atlanta)
Treasury Liquidity, Funding Liquidity and Asset Returns
by Ruslan Goyenko
Oxford Asset Pricing Retreat 2013
The Asset Pricing Implications of Government Economic Policy Uncertainty
by Jonathan Brogaard and Andrew Detzel
McGill Global Asset Management Conference 2013
The pricing effects of ambiguous private information
by Scott Condie and Jayant Ganguli
MFA 2013
Foreclosure Externalities: Some New Evidence
by Kristopher Gerardi, Eric Rosenblatt, Paul Willen and Vincent Yao
HULM 2012 (at FRB Boston)
An Agent Based Model of the Household Sector
by Doyne Farmer and John Geanakoplos
AFA 2012
Term Structure of Credit Default Swap Spreads and Cross-Section of Stock Returns
by Bing Han and Yi Zhou
AFA 2012
CDS as Insurance: Leaky Lifeboats in Stormy Seas
by Eric Stephens and James Thompson
WFA 2011