“Archaeological sensation! A true scientific artifact!” Scientific North American

When engineer Cyrus Smith left the Nautilus 24th March 1869 - Captain Nemo asked him to take a few of the smaller extraordinary devices and inventions with him, for the sake of mankind´s progress - including this electricity powered basic calculator - an unparalleled device created by Captain Nemo´s old friend Lady Ada Byron.

We are more than happy that we are able now to make this beautiful historic piece of craftsmanship and early computer science accessible to the general public.

A stylish approach to your daily math if you are into Steampunk, Dieselpunk, Cosplay or Roleplay.

It´s a fully functional basic calculator in 3D. Made with love and carefully crafted animated gears, electricity flashes and dynamic lighting.

Issues, problems - feedback ? Please send me a mail to: Steampunk Calculator

I am looking forward to your feedback.