The boiler heats the water turning it to steam. The pressure generated is then used to drive a piston within a cylinder. The piston is attached to a connecting rod for transforming the translational movement into a rotational movement.

The animation above shows the steam engine of the Scottish inventor, James Watt. It has many improvements over its predecessors machines (Somerset, Papin, Savery, Newcomen). He invented, in 1782, the principle of the double effect machine (or double action) in which a sliding valve distributing the pressure on the piston is driven in both directions.

Steam Engine Simulator Free Download

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I have been all over the forums questions which are railroad related and now this is my final question. When you look at a steam locomotive, if you look at the particle simulator, every time a chuff is heard, there is a new particle system (in a blender standpointed view) Is there a way i can use one particle system in a similair fashion?

Actually the chuff sound and smoke are not linked. Coal in the oven burns constantly and the smoke is just random. Randomness is caused by wind turbulence and other factors.

That chuff sound is linked to the steam output.

The Southern Museum opened in 1972 in Kennesaw, Georgia, as the Big Shanty Museum. It showcased the famous General locomotive and was dedicated to telling the story of the Great Locomotive Chase. The event, which took place on April 12, 1862, elevated the engine and Big Shanty (today the City of Kennesaw) to prominence during the Civil War.

I've been working on an oscillating enginesimulator. It's a type of steam engine where instead of valve gear, the cylinder swings back and forth, exposing a holein the cylinder to an inlet port for the power stroke, and to an exhaust port for the exhaust stroke. Very simple.(I've also been working on building one, in the form of a Wig-Wag,but I haven't got very far with that).

You might enjoytrying to find an engine with the smallest displacementthat can provide at least 10 Watts of power at 50 kPa inlet pressure. You'llneed to adjust the "load" field to get some useful work out(otherwise the engine will accelerate up to the point that thework done is cancelled out by the losses), butleave the "loss" and "air flow method" fields alone if you want to compare apples toapples. The rest of the parameters are fair game. If you have a go, send me a screenshot ofyour parameters, and if more than one person bothers then I'll publisha league table next time.

The diagram of the engine includes arepresentation of the air inside the cylinder, with the colour representingits pressure. The colours drawn on the flywheel indicate the port timing (red means theinlet port is open, blue means the exhaust port is open, and a fatter bandmeans it's open wider).

It could do with a bit more explanatory text and maybe a better UI, and probably a wayto share a link to a set of parameters. And probably some credit to the people whoseengine designs & data I have used.

The simulation is completely independent of the rendering, which will become important laterwhen I get around to using simulatedannealing to produce optimised engines. I hope to be able to improve on many of thepublished designs.

I'm actually simulating the engine running on compressed airrather thansteam. The difference is that with compressed air you don't need to worry (as much!) about theeffects of temperature change and condensation, so the simulation assumes the air remains at room temperature.

This orifice-with-infinite-volumes model is not perfectly right, because even if an infinite volume of air were availableon each side, the port itself has nonzero length. It's more like a small pipe connecting the cylinderto the infinite volume. It might be interesting to explore how the results from the simulation wouldchange if the port length were taken into account, but I haven't attempted to do so yet. I'm sayingthat if your inlet suffers a significant pressure drop when air starts flowing through it, then that is an engine constructionproblem outside the scope of the simulator.

My first guess was that the flow rate is simply linear in the pressure difference and the cross-sectional area,and then I'd manually find a fudge factor that makes the performance look believable.This is the "Linear" option in the simulator. It actually works surprisingly well, because as long as the engineis running slow enough, the cylinder pressure adapts to the port pressure very quickly, and then there's no flowrate. So as long as your flow rate calculation has high flow at high pressure differences and low flow at lowdifferences, it'll probably work reasonably well.But it's possible to do better, so I sought improvements.

I assume the data from the table is accurate since they are an engineering company with "Compressed Air" literally in thename. Sadly they don't provide any formulae, so it's hard to extrapolate beyond the range of pressures and orifice sizesgiven.

I emailed Steve Bodiley about the simulator project, to inquire aboutthe piston on his Simple Oscillating Engine covering up the ports asit crosses top dead centre, and he has kindly sent me a spreadsheet oftorque measurements from running his engine connected up to a torque brake, which tell me the supply pressure, engine rpm,and torque load for a handful of different conditions.

Secondly, I found this video of a Wig-Wag running with a pressuregauge visible. Given the supply pressure (and finding theengine speed from counting the pulses in the audio track), Ican set up the same conditions in the simulator and work outhow much load is required in the engine to produce the observedrunning speed (rpm).

It would be relatively straightforward to extend the simulator to handle other types of steam engine. I'd need to take out thepart that calculates port areas and replace it with somethingspecific to the valving of the different type of engine, andthe rest can stay the same.

In 1953 twenty-three cases, which were not caused by an engine defect, were reported and they resulted in 26 enginemen receiving injuries. In 1954, the number of occurrences and of injuries were the same and there was also one fatal casualty.

Blowbacks can also occur when a steam tube (or pipe) bursts in the boiler, allowing high-pressure steam to enter the firebox and thus egress onto the footplate.[1] Other potential causes are unused mining explosives in the coal used to fuel the engine, and unburnt gases collecting in the firebox and then igniting.[2]

"Hello Dirtfinder, I'm the mayor's sister. But don't judge me too harshly, I didn't choose to be! Anyway, whilst he's busying himself with who knows what, I've been exploring the recesses of our vast familial estate (none of which is mine) and came across this curiosity, a steam locomotive out in the back of beyond!

The S282 is one of two operable steam locomotives in the game, the other being the S060. It is comparable to the DE6 locomotive in terms of load rating and is generally cheaper to run, but at a cost of higher workload during operation. It requires obtaining a proper license before operation is allowed.S282The S282, before its remodel in Build 93, originally titled the SH282TypeCoal-Fired SteamWheel Config2-8-2License Cost$50,000Mass150t (100t Locomotive, 50t Tender)Load Rating1130tLength21.15m (13.15m Locomotive, 8m Tender)

The locomotive is driven by high-pressure steam at a maximum of approximately 14 bar (203 PSI), generated from heating water in the boiler by burning coal in the locomotive's firebox. The locomotive has a 2-8-2 wheel configuration, with 2 leading wheels, 8 coupled driving wheels and 2 trailing wheels under the cab supporting the weight of the cab and firebox, hence the '282' in its name. The locomotive holds 600 units of sand.

The reverser selects the power-to-speed ratio of the cylinders, by changing the timing of introduction of steam into the cylinder along the piston's stroke. The action of the reverser is achieved through a Walschaerts Valve Gear mechanism on each side of the locomotive.

When the reverser is rolled fully forwards, full power ahead is achieved, by letting steam into the cylinder for almost the entire piston stroke. Then as the reverser is rolled towards the middle, more speed is achieved by only allowing steam to enter the cylinder at shorter distance of the piston stroke.

The whistle is located above the reverser, as a brown rope. Pulling the rope creates a sound signal by letting steam flow through the whistle on the boiler. The further the rope is pulled down, the higher the tone gets.

(93+) The locomotive has three red valves located to the left of the regulator, along with the controls for the headlamp, rear headlamp, & gear light. Three other valves for the Dynamo, Air pump, & lubricator are on the engine itself.

The second valve is the steam dump valve. Upon rotation, steam will exit the boiler, lowering steam pressure. Just like the water dump valve, the speed of steam leaving can be adjusted by opening the valve more.

The blower is the lower valve. Located underneath the fourth (non-functional) valve, the blower can be used to boost the fire. This is done using steam pressure. Turning the blower further uses more steam and a hotter fire uses more coal.

The locomotive is equipped with two brakes: the independent brake and the train brake. These are located directly to the right of the firebox, with the independent brake more to the front of the cab. The independent brake is used to slow down the locomotive. The train brake is used to slow down the train and all the wagons connected with brake pipes. The brakes use steam pressure, though the train brake uses significantly more than the independent brake. The brake pressure can be read from the pressure gauges, with each brake having its own gauge. If the train brake has not yet fully built up pressure, the train will accelerate very slowly. This can be remedied by opening the regulator further. Opening a brake valve of the locomotive or a connected wagon also activates the train brake. e24fc04721

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